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RE: Q: These People Should Be Hanging

in #trump7 years ago

Actually, its : THOU SHALT NOT MURDER. Biblically there is a huge difference between kill and murder.

Justified killing: due consequence for crime[edit]
The Torah and Hebrew Bible made clear distinctions between the shedding of innocent blood versus killing as the due consequence of a crime. A number of sins were considered to be worthy of the death penalty including murder,[14] incest,[15] bearing false witness on a capital charge,[16] adultery,[17] idolatry,[18] homosexual acts,[9] bestiality,[19] human sacrifice to pagan gods,[20] cursing a parent,[21] fortune-telling,[22] and other sins.

For example, the Exodus narrative describes the people as having turned to idolatry with the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain receiving the law from God. When Moses came down, he commanded the Levites to take up the sword against their brothers and companions and neighbors. The Levites obeyed and killed about three thousand men who had sinned in worship of the golden calf. As a result, Moses said that the Levites had received a blessing that day at the cost of son and brother.[23] On a separate occasion, a blasphemer was stoned to death because he blasphemed the name of the Lord (Yahweh) with a curse.[24]

The Hebrew Bible has many other examples of sinners being put to death as due consequence for crimes. Achan is put to death by Joshua because he caused defeat of Israel’s army by taking some of the plunder and hiding it in his tent.[25][26] David ordered that an Amalekite be put to death because he claimed to have killed King Saul.[11] Following the advice of his father, Solomon ordered that Joab be killed:

Strike him down and bury him, and so clear me and my father's house of the guilt of the innocent blood that Joab shed. The Lord will repay him for the blood he shed, because without the knowledge of my father David he attacked two men and killed them with the sword. Both of them—Abner son of Ner, commander of Israel's army, and Amasa son of Jether, commander of Judah's army—were better men and more upright than he. May the guilt of their blood rest on the head of Joab and his descendants forever. But on David and his descendants, his house and his throne, may there be the Lord's peace forever.

— 1 Kings 2:31-33 (NIV)
The biblical refrain for those justly executed as due punishment for crimes is that "their blood will be on their own heads."[27] This expresses the idea that those guilty of certain actions have brought the shedding of blood upon themselves, and those carrying out due punishment do not bear bloodguilt.
Source: Wikipedia


So how is it printed in the bible: "Thou shall not kill" or "Thou shall not murder" ?
Is the bible the word of god and if so, what did god want printed in the book?

So is it ok to kill people for adultery, cursing a parent, or being homosexual? They are some of the crimes worthy of death that your link quotes.

Did god make the distinction that those crimes are worthy of killing, or is that man editing god's word?

On the Tablets it states: No Murder

The Torah is book about a seed of people, an instruction manual for faith in that seed. Yes, some of laws seem Draconian but 4000 years ago some groups/tribes believe homosexuality was an abomination against G-D, against creation itself. They feared the wrath of G-D and were quite and very superstitious. I can only imagine the problems Adultery caused in small communities and towns or everywhere for that matter.
Even now days.

It states: " A number of sins were considered to be worthy of the death penalty"
Maximum penalty is Death.

I think most of the laws concerning the Hebrews/Israelites only pertain to them to their seed. Its their distinction weather those said crimes are worthy of death or not.
Even Moses was not allowed to take one step on "the land" , he killed a man. Aaron too.

Torah never mentions a single religion, or even the term Jewish.
All religions edit G-ds word, best business in town.

Thanks so far.

Can you show a copy of the 'tablets' where it stated 'thou shalt not murder' ?
If the tablets said 'thou shalt not murder' then why does the bible book say 'thou shalt not kill' ?

How do christians who believe in god and the bible know which to believe - god's word or what is printed in the bible book due to man's editing?

I'm still at a loss though, is it ok for a christian who believes in the bible to rejoice if criminals are hanged? I really wonder how religious people can seek the death penalty when their book says that they should not kill.

ten-commandments-400.hebrew abbrev.png

The most common use of R-Tz-Ch is to describe a murderer who kills pre-meditated or with malice. When used in this way, the root R-Tz-Ch need not be modified with an adjective or adverb to clarify willful intent; the principle meaning of the word R-Tz-Ch is murder of at least the second degree, possibly first degree. The word implies criminal culpability and guilt, and thus the Sixth Commandment is clearly rendered into English as “do not MURDER.”-source
On the tablets - Lamed / Aleph = LO in Hebrew or NO in English.

Had the phrase been "Al Tirtzach", it would mean "Do not commit 'retzhicha'" -- and then we can discuss the meaning of retzhicha (as murder or killing, etc.). But the phrase is "Lo Tirtzach" -- which I would translate to mean "you will not commit 'retzhicha' which translates into as "You are not to murder". Take notice that "lo" is more of a "you won't" , not "you shan't". It seems that he is hinting to both translations (do not, will not).

Hebrew to English is lost in translation.
How do Religions know which to believe?
Moral code. Its all we have as Man and Woman. I think its safe to say that throughout the era of human existence moral code was not a top priority. Babylonians/Egyptians of the time did not know their religion as it was secret and occult. None of their deities preached family values or treating others as you would like to be treated.
As christians believing in the word know in their hearts what is right and what is wrong. Faith is Omni.

Oral Law V.s. Written Law. a lot has been lost throughout our eras.
I believe that rejoicing in any death of anything is immoral, but if the crime fits the punishment the verdict must be carried out. There is no need for rejoicing in the hearts of Man and Woman over potential criminals being put to death.
Death penalty is a verdict to a crime committed and found guilty by a jury and judge.
No Murder, is a law given to Man and Woman so they live long and potentially walk with their creator.
Cain premeditated murder. Moses did not.

Your questions are excellent tezzajw!
Thank you.

To hang someone is to kill them with premeditation - they are being murdered. So those christians who believe in the bible book appear to be defying the commandment 'thou shall not murder', if they murder a murderer by hanging them?
Does the bible book define state sanctioned murder, such as hanging, as being something else other than murder?

To hang, or by others means, some one because they committed a crime punishable by death is not murder. Its a law.
If anything Christians from the time of J.C. would perhaps think that modern Christians defy the commandments all together. If the state law stipulates(church and state) that a person who is accused of breaking such law, has a trial too. It's not like the person is just accused and off with their head so to speak.
Yes, the torah law defines state sanctioned law through its land pertaining to its tribes.

Should repeat convicted murderers be kept alive in jail?

Who wrote the law that people should be killed for their crimes?

Moses and Elohim..Its the only moral code on planet earth, or is it ?

Again; Should repeat convicted murderers be kept alive in jail?
Also, Is their another or other law or code for people to live by?

And do christians who believe in the bible book as being god's word just conventiently ignore the parts that don't suit them, such as killing someone for being homosexual, or having an affair?

If a christian chooses which parts to believe in the bible book (and not others), then aren't they selectively ignoring the word of their god?

Yes, humans ignore who they are , where there going and where they are from. Its much easier to go through life that way it seems.
The religion of today is acceptance and integration of any Deity /sexuality/ gender or practice. The Future = Artificial Intelligence.

Humans will always posses selective amnesia towards their Creator and choose what suits them. But its not about what suits the Human, its about what made you and light in our eyes. The flame in our hearts, the joy of executing morality and keeping it will always reveal the Blessing of life.

Thank you.