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"Trotsky advocated for a decentralized form of economic planning, worker's control of production, elected representation of Soviet socialist parties, mass soviet democratization, the tactic of a united front against far-right parties, cultural autonomy for artistic movements, voluntary collectivisation, a transitional program and socialist internationalism." Wikipedia
While Lenin, funded by German Masons and Jewish bankers, wanted to focus on USSR, Trotsky wanted to continue with permanent revolution across the world in unified international communism of sorts, with a transition program setup as a roadmap for how to engage masses in the communist ideology, politics, taking over production means of workers owned farms and factories.
Joseph Stalin was a Georgian Jew funded by British Masons who was working in the Tsarist secret police when the Bolshevik revolutions begun to happen in 1905 when it failed and 1917 when it was successful. He didn't care about Communism ideology aside using it as a tool for centralized power thus Trotskyist's international ambitions didn't fit his own and Leo Trotsky was hunted down and killed by Stalin's order. Stalin has spent last days of Lenin's life sleeping outside the bedroom waiting for him to pass on. There is a conspiracy theory that Stalin has poisoned Lenin gradually hence why he was waiting for Lenin to die sooner than later.
On a side note, Communism represents common needs with the government and public sector as a way to address it in collaborative democratic manner, while Capitalism represents private desires, wants, individual preferences with the business and private sector/interests as a way to satisfy the diverse demands in competitive free market economy. It takes two to tango for the successful and stable economy and society. Divide and conquer. Separate the two sides that are opposite sides of the same coin and juxtapose them against each other in futile unwinnable struggle.
Like China has done in 1978 and Russia in 1991 after the collapse of USSR by opening people's government run economy to private sector thus enabling economic growth, Trump as president of both US republic and corporation can do the same synthesis of public & private interests. ☆
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