Islamist Linked Charity Promotes Peace And Tolerance?

The Waterlooville Community Centre hosted an event bringing people together for an evening of understanding. Islamist Linked Charity Promotes Peace And Tolerance?
Charitable Islamism
An event promoting and encouraging "friendly relations" between Muslims and non-Muslims saw people from many different backgrounds pack out Waterlooville Community Centre to meet, eat and share ideas.
In attendance were Police, local councillors including mayor Diana Patrick, charity workers, community leaders and people from various faith groups.
Kay Ray an organiser for the event said:
"The main message of the event was community cohesion and integration and how we can support each other and help each other within the community. It's so important to integrate with the local community and overcome the differences and learn how to respect and communicate your values and understand others values."
Islamist Mission
An Islamic charity (UK Islamic Mission) hosted the event and ironically called it a "peace conference". What the Police, the mayor, local councillors, community leaders, charity workers and people from various faith groups may not have known is that UK Islamic Mission has a bit of history for fundamentalist, extremist and Islamist views. Back in 2007, the Channel 4 Dispatches programme aired "undercover mosque" which exposed Imams urging Muslim's to reject British laws in favour of shariah law.A mosque run by UK Islamic Mission (UKIM) in Sparkbrook, Birmingham had an imam praising the Taliban and any Muslim who kills British soldiers.
He said:
"The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulder,"Prime Minister Tony Blair heaped praise on the Sparkbrook mosque for its contribution to its "multi-faith and multicultural activities", a pretty stunning endorsement.
You can read more about that HERE.
At the time of the Dispatches expose, UK Islamic Mission maintained 45 mosques in Britain. When they were contacted and questioned about the imam in question, a spokesperson for UKIM said:
"We are a nationwide organisation and hold different programmes in our mosques. We are very concerned about this. We have instructed all our branches not to allow any more speakers with radical or fundamentalist views. This has occurred as a result of an internal problem. We hired out Sparkbrook community hall, and some of the organisations that hired it allowed some speakers with views that are not our own. As a result, no more external groups will be allowed to hire the community hall at Sparkbrook."Leaders and spokespersons of UK Islamic Mission put a lot of distance between themselves and the views of the visiting imam who hired out their premises; they had to, glorifying the murder of British troops does not sit well with our security services.
UKIM - Peace, Understanding And Tolerance
Back in December 2015, a "Muslim Brotherhood Review" paper was published, Sir John Jenkins and Charles Far mentions UK Islamic Mission (UKIM) in their report.
UKIM - Muslim Brotherhood Report
You can find that report HERE.
Mawlana Mawdudi founded the Jama'at-i-Islami organisation in India in 1941. The organisation has and still is engaged in violent Islamist terrorism. Jama'at-i-Islami is the equivalent of the Muslim Brotherhood in South Asia. The Pew Research Centre published an article back in 2010 highlighting how the founder of Jama’at-i Islami - Abu Ala Mawdudi, "articulated the ideological basis of modern Islamism". The article also states the fact that Jama’at-i Islami is "particularly strong in the United Kingdom, where more than two-thirds of the Muslim population of about 2.9 million comes from South Asia."
You can read more about that by clicking HERE.
On the 22nd of June 2014 UK Islamic Mission (UKIM) hosted a charity dinner, advertised with the title ‘Children of War’. Speakers who attended the "charity dinner" included:
Ajmal Masroor
Who was forced to resign as a parliamentary candidate because of anti-semitic postings on the internet. He described Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a “true and honest leader", expressed support for Jamaat-e-Islami war criminals and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Zahir Mahmood
Is a man who believes that “Hamas are not terrorists; they’re freedom fighters, they’re defending their country”. He has also urged Muslims not to integrate into western society.
Zahid Parvez
Zahid Parvez was the President of the Islamic Society of Britain between 1996 and 1998. Former Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Kamal el-Helbawy said that “we [the Muslim Brotherhood] established … the Islamic Society of Britain.”
Zahid was shocked when the UK Home Office banned Qazi Hussain Ahmed from Britain. Qazi Hussain Ahmed just so happened to be a leader of Pakistan’s extremist Jamaat-e-Islami party who met with Bin Laden and praised suicide bombers for murdering five American soldiers.
You can read more about that HERE.
Below you will see a picture of now UKIM President Zahid Parvez addressing a "peace conference" in Slough back in 2015. You will find the link to that HERE.

Zahid Parvez - UKIM President
Around 100 people attended UKIM's "peace conference" at Waterlooville Community Centre. UK Islamic Mission promoted and encouraged "friendly relations" between Muslims and non-Muslims. Councillors including mayor Diana Patrick, local Police, charity workers, community leaders and people from various faith groups had a wonderful time "integrating, supporting and respecting" the views of a charity that promotes and supports an Islamist ideology, with links to extremists and Islamic terrorists.
The UKIM website states:
Islam teaches that building the foundations of community life on faith, spirituality and morality is essential to ensure people remain upright, just, peaceful and conscious of their social obligations. With these foundations people find purpose and meaning, become motivated to live a moral life, take care of others, and promote peace, respect and dignity for all people.You can find the original publication and celebration of this auspicious event by clicking HERE.
You can find the UKIM website by clicking HERE.
Posted from TR.News with SteemPress :
I can’t think of anything islam promotes that is promoting peace or tolerance, the very core of the Quran pushes violence and intolerance to anything other than the Islamic way.
- imexian