Britains Role In Attempted US Presidential Coup

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump who won a landslide electoral college victory in 2016 — Looking at Britains Role In Attempted US Presidential Coup.
Russian Collusion Delusion
In 2016 a former MI6 intelligence officer with deep ties to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was sought out by Fusion GPS a private research firm in Washington DC. Fusion GPS was contracted by Perkins Coie, a legal firm that represented both Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. Hillary and the DNC had a vested interest in digging up as much dirt as they possibly could on Donald Trump to hurt his election campaign, after all, it was Hillary's time to break that glass ceiling and become the first woman President of the USA.

Orbis - Christopher Steele
The former MI6 intelligence officer's name is Christopher Steele; he is the co-founder of Orbis Business Intelligence based in London. Orbis is a firm that has an "in–house team of experienced investigators and professional intelligence analysts" who can "develop bespoke solutions for clients". Steele has around twenty years of experience dealing with Russia/CIS intelligence related matters. He took the contract and went off to find some dirt on Donald Trump culminating in the Steele "Dirty Dossier" which BuzzFeed published.
Partisan Propaganda
The "Dirty Dossier" published by BuzzFeed made for an "explosive" read. However, the dossier was unverified, unsubstantiated and salacious. The dossier, compiled by Christopher Steel made accusations that Donald Trump was compromised by Russian intelligence. In effect, Donald Trump was accused of being a "Russian asset" after being "cultivated" for five years to then become a sycophantic pro-Kremlin stooge in the White House.
The dossier also claimed there were videotapes of Trump having sexual relations with Russian prostitutes in the very same room that Barack Obama stayed in. The dossier also alleges that Trump ordered the prostitutes to urinate on the bed that Obama had slept in. This salacious and "unverified" political opposition research made its way into the FBI, the State Department (a department that Hillary Clinton used to run as America's senior diplomat), the Justice Department and most certainly other US intelligence agencies.
During the 2016 Presidential election, WikiLeaks published embarrassing emails that had been either hacked or removed manually from the DNC server. Clinton was already on the backfoot after having been exposed of having her own private server separate from the government's, so having a dossier on Trump was politically expedient. She paid Steele a hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars for his work.
That "work product" was then used by the FBI to instigate a counterintelligence operation which led to members of the Trump campaign being spied on. The unverified, salacious document was taken to a FISA Court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), used by the FBI and provided to Judges at FISA to sign off a warrant allowing them to spy on Trump's campaign.
Russian Meddling?
Trump, before he won the Presidential race, and ever since taking his oath of office in fact, was looked on with a desperate, deep-seated hatred by his political opponents, least of all Hillary Clinton. The political class and the deep state were none too happy with him winning the Presidency, immediately a political, judicial, legislative and executive "resistance" was formed in Washington DC.
Trump ended up sacking James Comey who was head of the FBI at the time, Comey then leaked documents that brought about a "special counsel" that looked into allegations of Trump working with the Russians. That investigation, costing around twenty-five million dollars, found no evidence of any crime, conspiracy or collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. For two and a half years Trump has this collusion and conspiracy hanging over his head, brought about by a fake, unverified, salacious dossier that was a work product from a former British MI6 officer - Christopher Steele.
The "Dirty Dossier" as it had come to be known, has been ripped apart by many different investigations which concluded most recently (this Monday in fact) by Inspector General David Horowitz. The IG is an Obama appointee who found that the FBI had made many "errors", falsified evidence to the FISA Court, and prevented exculpatory evidence reaching the Judges at the FISA Court. Judges continually renewed a "spying warrant" on the Trump campaign due to a dossier of lies, FBI process errors, misinformation and the exclusion of exculpatory evidence.
Donald Trump has had every reason to be annoyed, frustrated and sickened by partisan attacks and the "deep state" who never wanted him there. Despite all of these things, Donald Trump is still the President of the USA, although with the failure of the "Special Counsel" Muller Report the Democrats are now trying to impeach him and get him out of office that way.
Teflon Don has other ideas, watch this space.
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