Black Friday Islamic Terror Attack In London

Usman Khan, a known extremist, only recently released from prison, is responsible for the Black Friday Islamic Terror Attack In London killing two people.
Terrorists Walking Free Among Us
Usman Khan (a Kashmiri Muslim) was jailed for terrorism offences in 2012 because he was part of a terror cell that planned to bomb the London Stock Exchange, the cell also planned to plant bombs in pub toilets in Stoke-On-Trent in the hope of targeting members of the English Defence League. Usman also planned to open a "training facility" in Kashmir masquerading as a "madrassa" which would have presented a long term terrorist threat to the region as well as the UK.
Mr Justice Wilkie, who presided over the case at the time said:
"It is clear that this was a serious long term venture in terrorism, the purpose of which was to establish and manage a terrorist training facility at the madrassa, to fund-raise for its construction and operation by use of various means, including fraud, and to recruit young British Muslims to go and train, thereafter being available to commit terrorism abroad and at home."Mr Justice Wilkie was right about Usman, the decision he made at the time completely vindicates him, and justifies the sentence passed down to him:
"In my judgment, these offenders would remain, even after a lengthy term of imprisonment, of such a significant risk that the public could not be adequately protected by their being managed on licence in the community."Despite Mr Justice Wilkies warning about the significant risk Usman posed to the general public, Usman's sentence was shortened after he successfully appealed, claiming that his original sentence was "too long".
Usman and his co-defendants had their sentences reduced to sixteen years on appeal which meant that after serving seven years Usman was released on licence and made to wear a tag. What good did that do? How did "monitoring" work for the two innocent people Khan murdered in cold blood on London bridge yesterday? If it wasnt for some brave Brits in the area Usman may have killed more people. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims.

Al-Qaeda Inspired
Usman and the terror cell he was a part of were inspired by the ideology of Anwar Al Awlaki and Al-Qaeda, the cell also had plans to send letter bombs and conduct a "Mumbai-style armed assault". How could an appeals court Judge think that the original sentence handed down to Usman was "too tough"?
In April this year "strict" new laws were introduced to tackle terrorism - The Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019. It does not seem so "strict" or "tough" when the likes of Usman are allowed out of prison early only to commit a dispicable murderous Islamic terror attack while "free". Perhaps the act needs to review its sentencing guidelines given the fact that it is supposed to "make extended sentences available for terrorism offences – ending automatic early release and allowing a longer period on licence." Maybe it should recall any terrorists who have been raleased early prior to the Act coming into force and get them off our streets?
Due to public outrage the parole board made a statement:
We have every sympathy with those affected by the dreadful events that happened in London Bridge yesterday. Given the seriousness of this attack, it is understandable that there is speculation about the attacker’s release from prison. The Parole Board can confirm it had no involvement with the release of the individual identified as the attacker, who appears to have been released automatically on licence (as required by law), without ever being referred to the Board.You can find that HERE.
For the parole board to come out with that public statement means that Usmans early release was "required by law" no doubt helped by the decision of the Court of Appeal that deemed Usmans sentencing "too harsh". You can read more about that HERE.
Posted from TR.News with SteemPress :
It should be possible for the state to make life absolute hell for these Jihadists. Why is it not done? Every infidel country should do that and drive these people out and keep them out with stricter border security. A lot of terrorism is financed by wealthy individuals and possibly even state level actors in the oil rich Persian gulf region. That's yet another excellent reason to wean ourselves off fossil fuels. Lets starve the terrorist financiers and save the climate while at it.
AMWaters Media on youtube
London Bridge attack: Our policy on Islam
Anne Marie Waters
Leader, For Britain
Anne Marie explains For Britain policy on Islam and covers subjects other party leaders will not even speak about.
This is that kind hell you speak of.
Posted using Partiko Android
You couldn't do that in the West and you also shouldn't. But there are countless ways in which the state could be a nuisance to the rape, knife and bomb Jihadists living in the West. The Gulf states have nothing but oil and gas. That's entire source of their power. They should be cut off their power by cutting down on the use of oil and gas as much as possible. Let's go nuclear and renewable.
Khan, should never have been released, because he posed a credible threat to the public at large. Whoever saw fit to release him, has the death of two innocent people on their hands and they should be held accountable for their actions.
- Gun Of A Preacher Man