Update: Posts I'm Working On & A Few Words For My Supporters

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)



I hope that everyone is enjoying a great week. It's been twelve days since my last (major) post so I wanted to give everyone a quick update. I'm in the middle of packing up my house (with a view of moving in the new one as soon as I get the go ahead) plus I'm extremely busy with work. Alongside steemit and my home life, it's proving to be quite a balancing act. I've seen lots of people complaining about the fall in steem price and a subsequent fall in content creators and post quality so I wanted to add some clarification.

Personally, as much as I need the money I'm simply not prepared to lower my quality to obtain it .. hence (with everything else going on) the reason it's taking me a little longer than my usual weekly turnaround. Rest assured, I'm committed to the platform and I'm committed to staying true to myself and everyone that has followed me. Indeed, even though the price is a bit lower I'm actually doubling down and in the middle of writing a full blown sequel to my bloodlines of the serpent gods series. This is going to be a huge post and it's quite a feat trying to put it all together. I have envisaged that this series will play out over ten parts (along with a few side steps) so drawing it into a coherant narrative is a challenge! I anticipate that it will be ready to post at some point during the week beginning 6/8.

In The Meantime

As usual I will be posting music monday and feelgood Friday (although I will have to miss it this week as I won't be around) plus I will try to add some of my recent walks. I do try to read every post I upvote so I'm also trying to catch up with and curate as much of your amazing work as possible. Amongst it all I've managed to grab a couple of nights wild camping so will be posting a #walkwithme post tomorrow. My camping trip has helped me formulate another five posts and I'm really looking forward to sharing some of the thoughts and ideas I've come up with. I've lots in the pipeline, I just need a bit of time to put it al together.

Intent & Details

I'd also like to say I'm humbled and very appreciative of the support I recieve on steemit (I will never take it for granted) and feel blessed to have been invited into the #tribesteemup family by my friend @flauwy. As we move forward; like all friends we may disagree from time to time and none of us can always expect to be right. I've come to understand that whilst (as a society) we're increasingly divided by details, it's the intention that's the most important thing. If you speak your truth or your words with good intent, morality and from a heart that's true, whether not I agree on the finer details you will have my full support.

Divided by details or united by intent .. I know what side of the coin I'd rather be on.

Have a great week and thank you for taking the time to read my update


I'm so glad to have discovered your writing and look forward to your getting it out when the time and inspiration is there to do it.

Hey @indigoocean thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it. So happy to have met you on here, your vision, compassion and wisdom give me hope for a brighter future. Thank you for stopping by my friend.

Personally, as much as I need the money I'm simply not prepared to lower my quality to obtain it .

You’re a class act my friend, always have been 👊😎

Hey my friend, really good to hear from you and sorry for the late reply but I fell asleep! Thank you @tremendospercy, I really appreciate that ... Away from my house move and on a standard week, I could (on a daily basis) fairly easily knock out a couple of articles around popular talking points and make pretty good money .. but that would compromise the vision I had when I joined so I'm not prepared to do it.

Hope you're well dude, there is still a huge TP sized hole in this place .. never think you're not missed. I won't be around for a few days, but look forward to when we can have a good catch up. Take care buddy

Ten parts, now that's something to look forward to!
Good luck with the packing.

Hey @deirdyweirdy good to hear from you man, hope you're well. It's a longterm project, but yes there is lots more to come .. parts 1 & 1.a/1.b were just a warm-up. ;)

Looking forward to your part two post. Doubling down on Steem now is smart!

Hey @flauwy always good to hear from you man .. I've loads more to share and your post inspired me to get the ball rolling on part 2 so thank you. I'm more than happy to double down and put the work in .. just trying to make sure people don't forget me whilst I do lol Thanks again my friend.

United by Intent !! all the best with your move

Hey @wallpaperflower

United by Intent !!

I knew you would be :) I haven't commented on your music yet as it's still not playing for me! I really want to hear it :( I will give it another try later. Thank you and speak soon.

happy moving !! :)

I'm really looking forward to your sequel of the serpent gods series!

Hey @palikari123 thanks dude .. I'm in the process of building a structure and narrative so watch this space ;)

Something that people don’t quite understand with online content: life comes first! Those of us that are real supporters will be here. Good luck with the move hope everything goes smoothly. I look forward to your posts!

Thank you my friend, I really appreciate that .. I'm humbled to have supporters/friends that understand what I'm about and allow me the breathing space to grow some of these ideas. In the transient nature of today's society, your words mean a lot .. so thank you.

Thanks for the update, looking forward to your next post, we all get busy and need to take time for ourselves.

Thank you @walkthisway I'm enjoying revisiting all my old research papers and formulating the post so fingers crossed it'll be worth the wait. And yes I couldn't agree more. :)

I hear you on the drop in quality. Drives me bananas, and I keep thinking - maybe I should post a meme or a pretty quote with NO SOURCE and get a big vote? But I can't bring myself to do it - hence, Steemit is more time consuming for me than it could be. I appreciate others who take the time to write quality, so why wouldn't I? And it infuriates me that some who write poor content - or only post memes/photos that aren't their own - are supported in communities here. What's that all about? I don't get it.

Have a good week too. x

Hey @riverflows thank you for the comment. Yes it's really frustrating, I spend a LOT of time on my posts and although I have no expectation that I'm owed anything when you see some earning more from a "meme or a pretty quote with NO SOURCE" .. it can be a bitter pill to swallow. That said (and as you've alluded to) I refuse to define myself by the lowest denominator so I'm going to continue to work hard, carve out my own path and do things my own way. I guess for some it's a microcosm of life .. in that it's not always what you know but who you know.

Like you say, I really appreciate the effort other people put in and I generally feel that over time a sustained effort will elicit results. Thank you for stopping by my friend and I hope you enjoy a really good week/weekend.

Love to you also. I'm not so much bitter as bemused and indignant! I think you're right though in this case - perhaps it's who you know ;)

I do enjoy the writing and communicating, and will take solace in the fact I think I do a decent job and am doing Steemit proud enough 💚😘

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