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RE: Experiment No.5782948 - India Ink Old Man Logan for Trial by Comics

in #trialbycomics7 years ago

It's great, my friend. Honestly. Truly. Really. And 65X105!? It is huge! I cannot draw huge portraits coz then I somehow mess up and don't capture the likeness... unless I use a grid, of course.. did you use one here? Also, is the whole thing done with ink? I'm gonna try ink sometime... yep I will... I've put it off for too long now.. I would really appreciate it, do check out my new charcoal sketch here 🙂


Thanks friend. I'm glad you like it ;)

  1. I do not use formal square grids, but almost always I trace some diagonal lines for the composition and use them as reference for proportion.
  2. In this one there is no more than ink and scratches.
  3. Amazing drawing men!! Have you ever tried the charcoal powder? Give it a chance. It helps you tu be more confident with the accidents and the unexpected and gives you a smooth neutral base to start to define your volume.
  4. More wine for the next, please. I loved that stain. It's so dramatic.