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Very good post.
I stoppt watching your video after 10 secounds. I dont got one houre time now.
But what i can say is that the good explanations of your adience dont appear here at the top.
Thats why i flaged all 3 of them.
If i had time for your video i would just write it here.
I search now if somebody wrote a good explanition and upvote it.
I will flag your whole post.
Because you upvoted a lot of comments with the same amount.
But it doesnt have the same value.
The post are at the top because people with a lot of steempower upvote their own post and bump their own to the top. I upvote everyone with 2% voting power to spread it out over a lot of people. You didn't watch the video like you said in the second sentence, but if you wouldve you would know that there is no question that I need answered. Take your week downvotes elsewhere because they wont effect me or my rep.
Whats up with Etherum? Its a question!
And i told i did not watch the video. But even in your headline!!! is a question.
And the audience can answere.
I dont need to watch your video for answering this.
And a lot of other people too.
But maybe they dont follow you.
I flag you because you wrote "wouldv".
When you show me that this is a valid english word or edit your comment i take my flag away.
All other three flags stay there where they are now.
I maybe take away later.