Because I do care..
I am what you would call an early adopter. I came to steem on June of 2016, before the first ever Steem payout on July 4th 2016. Since my early days on the platform I've been both very active, and also taken breaks as I've gone after other projects that would momentarily peak my interest. However, I always felt a sense of home base on STEEM.
Steem Permabull
I believe in STEEM because in my view it is one of the most underrated blockchains in the world. I've shared on many of my videos how blocktivity tells the true story behind tokens and their price, so in my view seeing it be so low is not very irrational, and it won't stay low for long.
With all the changes coming, with hardfork 20 right around the corner, I can't help but to be bullish on STEEM despite of how the markets look today. The feature that excites me the most, is how easy account creation will become. This to me has always been the biggest obstacle.
My biggest Regret
My biggest regret was shifting my focus from steem to other projects that were not sustainable. I was so crazy over the idea of profits that I forgot about something that is more important, a community. And Steem has community built into it through it's blockchain
That is why I've come back over the past 4 to 5 months. I even made a video about this, shared a vulnerable moment, because I finally understood what this is all about. My efforts have shifted, I've focused for months now on building a community around myself using Steem curation, trying to help other people too with delegations and support. Putting my Steem Power to work.
This is why I'm writing this open letter, because I want everyone to know what I'm up to, and what my hopes are. What I want to see happen, not just for me, but for everyone who is on STEEM too.
How steem-ua can be the difference
It's very simple for me to see right now. Because the way the current system is, you have to wait days, sometimes week to get your account approved, and if you lose your keys by mistake and you need to get a new account, that could easily turn into months.
Mass adoption becomes impossible with a system like this. But after they are here, how do we keep those users on STEEM? How do we keep them engaged, making good content, building communties ect?
From where I stand @steem-ua is the most suitable answer. It can provide a system of incentives for people to keep on keeping on. Why would anybody leave if there is a giant whale curating those who are engaging with each other? Why would people feel the system is broken, when they are seeing curation finally happening?
The distribution of the Steem Coin is a problem, but people being ignored is even a bigger problem than that. @steem-ua tackles both of those problems by making people want to power up and participate in it, and that is what we all want to see.
As someone who has gotten flagged a lot, it might be surprising for you to hear me say that I don't think flags are the problem here. The problem is that even though STEEM already has great incentive for people to power up, they don't do so because they see the goal too far away. Powering up 100 tokens does not sound like a life changing decision, but with @steem-ua it could be, and that is my point.
Imagine how this place would look if people stopped selling everything they make and adopt the right mindset. If we have more people having 500 SP on their wallets, and not so many dust vote accounts.
I've delegated 22,222 to steem-ua
And because I want people to see my intentions here, I told @scipio that I wanted to decline rewards on it. I realize that makes me sound crazy, but there is a reason for it. I want this place to be a place for everyone, not just for whales, not just for people with money as it has become.
I don't know of a better way to show the community that I mean these words, than by doing that. Because words are just words, if action don't follow. And that is also something I'm trying to do different.
Just a few days ago on @steem-ua's discord, I said publicly that I would up my delegation to the project once it reached 450K SP. But today I thought about an even better way of showing my support for this idea.
For every 50K SP the project reaches, I will up my delegation another 5K SP. Basically adding 10% on top. And who knows. Maybe I'll delegate all of it out. But if it helps STEEM moon, then I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and do it.
I hope other users with high SP join me too, because I think this is a golden opportunity to make a difference, not just now, but for years to come. We could be changing the game entirely.
What's not to love about that?-
Join my discord chat and read pinned message for steps to be added to our trail:
Curation Trail Stats by @karega

Trevon, I have followed you but decided for myself not to invest in Bitconnect. Genesis mining and steem is still here right? For anyone that didn't see BCC for what it was needed to get the hit we all get at least once in crypto. Keep going man, you are entertaining and sometimes you are good with analysis. Usually influencers are too optimistic even during this loong downtrend.
Haha I even made a drawing of you!! Remember?
Wow! I don’t remember it being this detailed! Thank you for the continued support!
I gave you great gift
Thank you for the vote :) both of you
Hey Tre. I've been following you since before the whole Bitconnect thing went down. Lost a good bit there, myself. I was never willing to hop on the hate train and call you a scammer, because there's part of the human mind that wants to believe in things that are "too good to be true."
Besides, I could tell in your livestreams and YouTube videos that you had a good heart. You always did huge giveaways of daily BTC before everyone else started copying that. Even when they did copy it, they gave away much less than you did. People also forget or don't know that you came up from nothing by the sheer force of your passion for making YouTube videos. You were one of the earliest crypto YouTubers back when no one was doing it.
I'm proud of you for making this post and just want to say that I believe forgiveness is one of the most powerful things in our world. I know there are factions that want you perma-blacklisted and hell, maybe this comment will even get downvoted to invisibility for showing you support.
To be clear I'm not trying to just paint over everything and pretend nothing ever happened. But I think this gesture of yours is a good start towards repairing your relationship within the STEEM community. To anyone reading this, stop and think for a minute before you make a snap judgement—
Are you really doing the right thing by ostracizing one of the longest-standing proponents of the STEEM blockchain because he made some bad decisions in the past, for which he's apologized genuinely and stated the intention to work towards making up for?
Give him a chance to make things right.
he wasn't giving away free bitcoin he was doing "giveaways" as marketing to recruit new members into the bitconnect ponzi
he initially mislead people into the scam claiming guaranteed profits and you still follow him?
if he wanted to make things right he would airdrop a majority of his ill gotten gains to his victims its well over $1.5million
how did you get there
This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons:
Wow! Very exclusive club! Great!
Posted using Partiko iOS
How did you win this prestigious honor sir?
It's not really prestigious. It's just one bidbot owner who name squatted the 'badcontent' username and tries to pretend like he has authority on the network.
Oh and he uses it as a PR tool to make people use his bot.
Does the PR tool, make consenting adults lose their mind and send money to the bot?
Can you please explain what your name means?
To me it sounds like you are a danger to young and innocent girls.... (well maybe boys too) Why would you choose such a name? What does it say about you?
Well put, I have heard rumors of sexual harassment utilizing flag power very wrong....
You're getting real annoying.
How so?
You're attacking someone who has done far more than you ever have at dealing with the trash this place encourages.
I disagree with his methods, he is a dictator and greedy.
The problem of trash content can only be solved by developers by editing the blockchain code and getting rid of author rewards. Jokers like him have no say in it, and the only thing he does is dividing the community.
Between scamming people into the Bitconnect ponzi and this bs
what do you mean how did he win? YOu mean how did he scam his way into another scam.
He was saying how did he win his way on the blacklist I think.
@themarkymark Why keep flagging him if he is not scamming anymore?
I never flagged him.
You didn't detect any sarcasm from me a?
Seems like original content to me.
How about, If you don't like it don't upvote it?
That's the thing about flags, Some reserve them just for plagiarists and scammers and some whip them out when they disagree with payouts. Now you might argue that trash on a table is a shit post yet there is the eye of Horus in that trash and a paragraph explaining it. A smart person would not have promoted it this high though without maybe more writing as its almost begging for negative attention and flags.
Wtf is Partiko?
Mobile app for iOS and Android. Simple, sleek, and functional unlike others great for on the go!
Posted using Partiko iOS
The distribution of the Steem Coin is a problem
Yes, you know how bad the starting distribution took place. It's barely better with the current model, with the bidbots raking in most of the inflation.
Imagine how this place would look if people stopped selling everything they make and adopt the right mindset
Even if people didn't sell their STEEM straight after earning it, and if the overall crypto markets were stable instead of bearish, STEEM wouldn't scale economically with the current model. The daily distributed value (i.e. printed STEEMs) doesn't scale with the userbase, actually its the opposite. Back when there was 50K users on this network, top posts made 10K+, and bitcoin was worth much less than today! Now we have 1M+ users and you cant make more than $100 without using a bid bot, even if you are top of the steem-ua list.
Steem UA seems like a good algorithm (from my perspective) but sadly it's not in the blockchain and isn't used for coin distribution, so that doesn't solve much atm.
this is why Steem is building the Oracle-SMT ;)
SMT + Oracle = Simplified (social) Smart contract
how long did the era of 10K+ rewards last? If noticed when I joined I perfectly remember the make up girl getting over $45,000 in upvotes....crazy... that was back when "top comment" was an option before "Promoted" even existed ....
I believe the rewards were so high due to the race to upvote for maximum curation...I don't remember the process exactly but I remember you were incentives hard to upvote...
I invested around 1.6 bitcoins for around 300ish steem power.... back then it took 104 weeks (2 years) to power down and the rate of steem inflation was 250,000,000 steem a my 300ish steem grew to over 700 steem where they then reduced that inflation rate until it reached what it is now.... after all this I wish I would of just kept the 1.6 bitcoins but oh well lol live and learn...
yeah early into bit connect haha we all know how that turned out scammer
Posted using Partiko iOS
I really appreciate what you're trying to do for the steemit community. You're actually the one that introduced me to all this a while back. Keep up the good work.
I hear this a lot.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Like i have been saying from the start you have been nothing but a benefit to the STEEM blockchain, what you have done with your curation trail is a shining example of how to keep users active and powering up, more whales should be following your lead imo...
Yes the trail is a hidden gem. And that’s fine 😉
Posted using Partiko iOS
I delegated 250SP & saved a ton on my car insurance by swithing to ua!
LOL! I like that one
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you friend 👍
Right on man I remember my son and I watching you live stream back when he was a baby and they are the same age.. so that was awhile ago! Always glad to have you here brotha!
Dope. Thanks bro!
Posted using Partiko iOS