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RE: Just another day on Steemit, why I feel helpless.
@surfermarly Well i think if the content is that bad,they will lose the people anyway again. Humans are individual so do you think everyone likes the same things?
So what do you think happens,if more people come to the platform if not the fact,that they bring their own "taste"/"style" with them and spread it. It's like with the spread and mutation of a language.If the speaking community is large,there will be dialects :D
To be honest:as long as i don't see "the joy of violence " et cetera here i am happy.
Excuse my english c:
Your English is perfect. I'm also not a native speaker, so no worries at all :-)
Of course taste is absolutely relative and subjective and untouchable. We were rather talking about excessive vote buying and its consequences in combination with abusive content. It seems that there is a trend to copy-paste content from the internet and then boost it to trending positions. The actual input from the author is very low then, while the output can be tremendous, just thinking about increasing repuation and followership.
My point is rather a different one: people that excessively buy votes, try to avoid engaging with the community and are just looking for quick money. When I joined Steem there was a completely different philosophy. Selfish behavior was not well seen. Today it seems to be the only way. That's what I was trying to voice here.
It's weird beging exposed in such way if your actual intention is getting back to a more community-driven culture...:-)
I can't wait to see the community feature installed. That may change the whole game and make engagement more valuable again.
Well in this case you are right.
But either the content is good or not...
And if it's not and they are avoiding their community...Do you think they will maintain?
But yeah.The bigger problem is the growth on the repututation.
Do i think right,that those things weaker the steemitpower (and the value of the dollar anyway...) of the others?
Don't see such things as a exposure,rather than the beginning of a nice "debate".Because in a debate you have the possibility to argue and make yourself understood.
Which is given in a good community c:
I guess it will be harder for vote trading services once communities are established. Not sure if you've heard about it. It's a new feature that will help to organize/group people according to their fields of interest.
Gerade in Deinen Blog gesehen: wir könnten wohl auch auf deutsch schreiben, aber dann versteht es keiner :-)
Aber gerade dann passiert doch das,was in den meisten sozialen Netzwerken durch die Algorithmen das Problem ist.
Du wirst in deiner kleinen Filterblase gefangen,weil die Seite dich so länger bei sich behält.
Zugegeben.Hier wahrscheinlich nicht in dem Ausmaß,da die anderen Netzwerke Werbung für dich schalten wollen.Aber du verstehst,was gemeint ist oder?
Das Problem hier ist mehr,dass die Plattform größer wird und somit immer mehr "Geschmäcker" sie für sich entdecken und es wäre ja zu schön,wenn jeder Mensch höflich und anständig wäre...Was ich damit sagen will ist,dass sich immer Jemand findet,der schlechte oder falsche (...Jedenfalls aus einer anderen Sicht,denn was ich mache wird aus meiner Sicht ja wohl Sinn ergeben :D...) Beweggründe hat...
Ich meine kannst du es nachvollziehen,wenn sich Jemand für seine Religion in die Luft sprengt obwohl Selbstmord in dieser verboten ist? -Die können datt irgendwie?
Aber bevor ich etw. mit "communitys" falsch verstehe... Kannst du mir einen Link dazu geben? c: