China's way to progress..!! Blog#1

in #trending7 years ago


Hi there, Shahzaib [email protected] is here. Now a days I am studying about one the trending country #China. Their traditions,culture and the important one the factor 'progress or prosperity'. Now i am sharing my knowledge and information i got.


For twenty-two years China lay forgotten and was even confused with a small island-obe of its provinces and the flexible Chinese bamboo curtain of rigid disregard. Then suddenly that one-fourth of mankind enclosed in the world's third largest country was brought out of the memory attic, with a loud bang. The Chinese may have introduced the smile policy, but the Occidentals certainly launched the warm hug.

Attitude of World Towards China after 'the revolution of 1949':

The attitude of the world toward China after the revolution of 1949 was of disregarded. China had to face oblivion for twenty-two years because the world did not recognize its resources and talent. It was called the land of opium and was not given its due place in the world.
People's Republic of China is growing longer with the mounting awareness of the absurdity of the past oblivion or a political guilt complex for having kept China out of the U.N for a long time.

Chou En Lai:

Who was Chou En Lai? Chou En Lai was a Chinese Communist leader. He remained the first Prime Minister of China from 1949-1976. He was a founder of the Chinese Communist Party. He organized a Communist workees' revolt in Shanghai in 1927.
Seventy-three year old Chou En-Lai will end up dislocating his right hand if he goes on shaking it at the present rate with delegations running into hundereds of people at a time,his eyes blinded by the constant flashing of the official souvenir photographers.

Present Revolution:

China is now the fashion around the world,and in no uncertain terms. Everywhere politicians of the most conservative and bourgeols kind are attempting to rebuild for themselves a compromised career by singing the praises of Mao Tse-Tung.

#Outro: The topic has not completed yet. Follow me for the next blog. To be Continue...