How to earn cryptocurrency (step-by-Step instructions)

in #trending6 years ago

Experts believe that now is still the perfect time to invest in cryptocurrency, but the most popular request of novice traders and remains the question: "how to earn cryptocurrency?".

Where and how much to invest, where to buy and trade cryptocurrencies, as well as how to save earned digital assets, all these issues will be described in 10 points described below.

The first step: you need to think about why you want to engage in cryptocurrency investment1472103050_1-2.jpg
Why do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Some investors are only interested in getting benefits, others believe in the innovations that blockchain technology brings and therefore support crypto-projects with their investments.

If you, as a novice trader, are guided only by the receipt of income, then you should carefully study the area in which you are going to invest real money.

When entering the crypto-sphere, many people forget that everything is associated with risks, the same trading and the idea of earning crypto-currency can turn into a loss of everything.

The main advice of traders is that it is better to invest money that you are ready to lose, and if you have household problems with paying electricity bills, it is better for you to wait with the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Remember, the crypto industry has a huge potential, like the Internet in the 90s, and if you missed a fleeting benefit, then you should not be upset.

The second step: here you can say Proverbs and phrases of great scientists, for example, "hard to learn, easy to fight" or " knowledge is power»untitled-design-1068x1068-2(1).png

"How to earn cryptocurrency": step-by-Step instructions
spitfire2507 in blockchain
Experts believe that now is still the perfect time to invest in cryptocurrency, but the most popular request of novice traders and remains the question: "how to earn cryptocurrency?".

Where and how much to invest, where to buy and trade cryptocurrencies, as well as how to save earned digital assets, all these issues will be described in 10 points described below.

The first step: you need to think about why you want to engage in cryptocurrency investment

Why do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Some investors are only interested in getting benefits, others believe in the innovations that blockchain technology brings and therefore support crypto-projects with their investments.

If you, as a novice trader, are guided only by the receipt of income, then you should carefully study the area in which you are going to invest real money.

When entering the crypto-sphere, many people forget that everything is associated with risks, the same trading and the idea of earning crypto-currency can turn into a loss of everything.

The main advice of traders is that it is better to invest money that you are ready to lose, and if you have household problems with paying electricity bills, it is better for you to wait with the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Remember, the crypto industry has a huge potential, like the Internet in the 90s, and if you missed a fleeting benefit, then you should not be upset.

The second step: here you can say Proverbs and phrases of great scientists, for example, "hard to learn, easy to fight" or " knowledge is power»

Be well prepared before you start earning cryptocurrency. In this area, a huge number of pitfalls and you should have enough knowledge for a qualitative analysis of problem situations that will undoubtedly arise.

If you have chosen cryptocurrency, before you start investing, ask yourself the following questions:

What problem is being solved by this project?
Some of the known personalities are already investing in cryptocurrency?
What technology is used to achieve the project goals?
What is the main idea of the project and what is it used for?
Is the development team open to users?
Which apps are created for a transaction of this cryptocurrency?
Is it a security or utility token?
If you answered these questions, then you have formed an idea about the cryptocurrency in your head and you can decide to make money on this cryptocurrency or choose another one.

Experts distinguish two types of information that you can find on the network: subjective (forums, social networks and comments in them), as well as objective (information from official sites, whitepaper document and other confirmed data).

The third step: it is Better to start with the already proven cryptocurrency exchanges
In order to earn cryptocurrency you need to buy it on one exchange cryptocurrency, which differ in different factors.

For example, there is no crypto-exchange, which will have absolutely all created crypto-currencies. Some support only 10 digital currencies, while other exchanges host as many as 300 cryptocurrencies.

The best service for choosing a cryptocurrency and a quality exchange is ahhh! You just need to click on the crypto currency, then go to the Markets section and select the exchange on which the crypto asset you have chosen is supported.

Note that a credible exchange is Bittrex, Coinbase, Bitfinex and Binance.

Cryptocurrency exchanges that will help you earn cryptocurrency, and not Vice versa, must meet the high security criteria, and should be familiar with the daily limits on Deposit and withdrawal of funds and payment options that help to interact with the real world, i.e. with Bank cards.

The fourth step: the First step to earning on cryptocurrency is to buy it
When choosing an exchange look carefully at its interface, the more it is clear to you and does not cause unnecessary questions: "And what button to press?"the easier it will be for you to enter and withdraw your savings.

The process of buying cryptocurrency is very simple: find the asset you need, click and click on the Buy button.

You should also create your own crypto-wallet, because when storing tokens on the exchange, you do not fully control your assets.

Step five: create a cryptocurrency wallet to securely store your own assets
Access to your wallet will be through a private key, the one who has it, then manages the funds in the wallet.

There are 2 types of wallets: online and offline. The first are extensions in browsers, as well as programs and mobile applications. The second wallets are always with you, because they have a physical form, for example, hardware wallet Ledger NanoS (similar to a conventional flash drive).

Step six: Keep your data, keys and e-mail safe
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"How to earn cryptocurrency": step-by-Step instructions
spitfire2507 in blockchain
Experts believe that now is still the perfect time to invest in cryptocurrency, but the most popular request of novice traders and remains the question: "how to earn cryptocurrency?".

Where and how much to invest, where to buy and trade cryptocurrencies, as well as how to save earned digital assets, all these issues will be described in 10 points described below.

The first step: you need to think about why you want to engage in cryptocurrency investment

Why do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Some investors are only interested in getting benefits, others believe in the innovations that blockchain technology brings and therefore support crypto-projects with their investments.

If you, as a novice trader, are guided only by the receipt of income, then you should carefully study the area in which you are going to invest real money.

When entering the crypto-sphere, many people forget that everything is associated with risks, the same trading and the idea of earning crypto-currency can turn into a loss of everything.

The main advice of traders is that it is better to invest money that you are ready to lose, and if you have household problems with paying electricity bills, it is better for you to wait with the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Remember, the crypto industry has a huge potential, like the Internet in the 90s, and if you missed a fleeting benefit, then you should not be upset.

The second step: here you can say Proverbs and phrases of great scientists, for example, "hard to learn, easy to fight" or " knowledge is power»

Be well prepared before you start earning cryptocurrency. In this area, a huge number of pitfalls and you should have enough knowledge for a qualitative analysis of problem situations that will undoubtedly arise.

If you have chosen cryptocurrency, before you start investing, ask yourself the following questions:

What problem is being solved by this project?
Some of the known personalities are already investing in cryptocurrency?
What technology is used to achieve the project goals?
What is the main idea of the project and what is it used for?
Is the development team open to users?
Which apps are created for a transaction of this cryptocurrency?
Is it a security or utility token?
If you answered these questions, then you have formed an idea about the cryptocurrency in your head and you can decide to make money on this cryptocurrency or choose another one.

Experts distinguish two types of information that you can find on the network: subjective (forums, social networks and comments in them), as well as objective (information from official sites, whitepaper document and other confirmed data).

The third step: it is Better to start with the already proven cryptocurrency exchanges

In order to earn cryptocurrency you need to buy it on one exchange cryptocurrency, which differ in different factors.

For example, there is no crypto-exchange, which will have absolutely all created crypto-currencies. Some support only 10 digital currencies, while other exchanges host as many as 300 cryptocurrencies.

The best service for choosing a cryptocurrency and a quality exchange is ahhh! You just need to click on the crypto currency, then go to the Markets section and select the exchange on which the crypto asset you have chosen is supported.

Note that a credible exchange is Bittrex, Coinbase, Bitfinex and Binance.

Cryptocurrency exchanges that will help you earn cryptocurrency, and not Vice versa, must meet the high security criteria, and should be familiar with the daily limits on Deposit and withdrawal of funds and payment options that help to interact with the real world, i.e. with Bank cards.

The fourth step: the First step to earning on cryptocurrency is to buy it

When choosing an exchange look carefully at its interface, the more it is clear to you and does not cause unnecessary questions: "And what button to press?"the easier it will be for you to enter and withdraw your savings.

The process of buying cryptocurrency is very simple: find the asset you need, click and click on the Buy button.

You should also create your own crypto-wallet, because when storing tokens on the exchange, you do not fully control your assets.

Step five: create a cryptocurrency wallet to securely store your own assets

Access to your wallet will be through a private key, the one who has it, then manages the funds in the wallet.

There are 2 types of wallets: online and offline. The first are extensions in browsers, as well as programs and mobile applications. The second wallets are always with you, because they have a physical form, for example, hardware wallet Ledger NanoS (similar to a conventional flash drive).

Step six: Keep your data, keys and e-mail safe

Immediately set up two-factor user authentication when logging in to any account associated with your cryptocurrency savings.

Also, do not lie to yourself and think that your old password to which you have added one digit will protect you from hackers. Powerful modern computers crack these passwords in a few hours. Go to the question of choosing a password thoroughly and check it on the service howsecureismypassword.

Also, set up notifications about entering the cryptocurrency exchange from your account, even if you are hacked, you will be able to respond quickly to this.

Step seven: Once you've set up your account security, take care of the security of the devices you use1-4.jpg
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"How to earn cryptocurrency": step-by-Step instructions
spitfire2507 in blockchain
Experts believe that now is still the perfect time to invest in cryptocurrency, but the most popular request of novice traders and remains the question: "how to earn cryptocurrency?".

Where and how much to invest, where to buy and trade cryptocurrencies, as well as how to save earned digital assets, all these issues will be described in 10 points described below.

The first step: you need to think about why you want to engage in cryptocurrency investment

Why do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Some investors are only interested in getting benefits, others believe in the innovations that blockchain technology brings and therefore support crypto-projects with their investments.

If you, as a novice trader, are guided only by the receipt of income, then you should carefully study the area in which you are going to invest real money.

When entering the crypto-sphere, many people forget that everything is associated with risks, the same trading and the idea of earning crypto-currency can turn into a loss of everything.

The main advice of traders is that it is better to invest money that you are ready to lose, and if you have household problems with paying electricity bills, it is better for you to wait with the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Remember, the crypto industry has a huge potential, like the Internet in the 90s, and if you missed a fleeting benefit, then you should not be upset.

The second step: here you can say Proverbs and phrases of great scientists, for example, "hard to learn, easy to fight" or " knowledge is power»

Be well prepared before you start earning cryptocurrency. In this area, a huge number of pitfalls and you should have enough knowledge for a qualitative analysis of problem situations that will undoubtedly arise.

If you have chosen cryptocurrency, before you start investing, ask yourself the following questions:

What problem is being solved by this project?
Some of the known personalities are already investing in cryptocurrency?
What technology is used to achieve the project goals?
What is the main idea of the project and what is it used for?
Is the development team open to users?
Which apps are created for a transaction of this cryptocurrency?
Is it a security or utility token?
If you answered these questions, then you have formed an idea about the cryptocurrency in your head and you can decide to make money on this cryptocurrency or choose another one.

Experts distinguish two types of information that you can find on the network: subjective (forums, social networks and comments in them), as well as objective (information from official sites, whitepaper document and other confirmed data).

The third step: it is Better to start with the already proven cryptocurrency exchanges

In order to earn cryptocurrency you need to buy it on one exchange cryptocurrency, which differ in different factors.

For example, there is no crypto-exchange, which will have absolutely all created crypto-currencies. Some support only 10 digital currencies, while other exchanges host as many as 300 cryptocurrencies.

The best service for choosing a cryptocurrency and a quality exchange is ahhh! You just need to click on the crypto currency, then go to the Markets section and select the exchange on which the crypto asset you have chosen is supported.

Note that a credible exchange is Bittrex, Coinbase, Bitfinex and Binance.

Cryptocurrency exchanges that will help you earn cryptocurrency, and not Vice versa, must meet the high security criteria, and should be familiar with the daily limits on Deposit and withdrawal of funds and payment options that help to interact with the real world, i.e. with Bank cards.

The fourth step: the First step to earning on cryptocurrency is to buy it

When choosing an exchange look carefully at its interface, the more it is clear to you and does not cause unnecessary questions: "And what button to press?"the easier it will be for you to enter and withdraw your savings.

The process of buying cryptocurrency is very simple: find the asset you need, click and click on the Buy button.

You should also create your own crypto-wallet, because when storing tokens on the exchange, you do not fully control your assets.

Step five: create a cryptocurrency wallet to securely store your own assets

Access to your wallet will be through a private key, the one who has it, then manages the funds in the wallet.

There are 2 types of wallets: online and offline. The first are extensions in browsers, as well as programs and mobile applications. The second wallets are always with you, because they have a physical form, for example, hardware wallet Ledger NanoS (similar to a conventional flash drive).

Step six: Keep your data, keys and e-mail safe

Immediately set up two-factor user authentication when logging in to any account associated with your cryptocurrency savings.

Also, do not lie to yourself and think that your old password to which you have added one digit will protect you from hackers. Powerful modern computers crack these passwords in a few hours. Go to the question of choosing a password thoroughly and check it on the service howsecureismypassword.

Also, set up notifications about entering the cryptocurrency exchange from your account, even if you are hacked, you will be able to respond quickly to this.

Step seven: Once you've set up your account security, take care of the security of the devices you use

Mobile phones, laptops, computers and tablets with which you visit the cryptocurrency exchange should be protected as much as possible.

You can use a pin code, a full password or a fingerprint, because when you hack your devay losses will be many times more and the attackers will leave not only your cryptocurrency savings, but personal data.

Also hackers can get into the gadget via Bluetooth, included hot spot and public Wi-Fi.

Eighth step: do not forget to enter the table of income and expenses
Yes, it is a bit old-fashioned, especially when trading cryptocurrencies, but this area is very young and if Belarus will not take taxes for the next 5 years, in Australia this asset is considered a security and is subject to appropriate taxes.

We advise you to create a spreadsheet with income and expenses, which will surely help you earn cryptocurrency.

Step nine: Download the app that will show the statistics and value of your cryptocurrency portfoliobolshaya-35.png
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"How to earn cryptocurrency": step-by-Step instructions
spitfire2507 in blockchain
Experts believe that now is still the perfect time to invest in cryptocurrency, but the most popular request of novice traders and remains the question: "how to earn cryptocurrency?".

Where and how much to invest, where to buy and trade cryptocurrencies, as well as how to save earned digital assets, all these issues will be described in 10 points described below.

The first step: you need to think about why you want to engage in cryptocurrency investment

Why do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Some investors are only interested in getting benefits, others believe in the innovations that blockchain technology brings and therefore support crypto-projects with their investments.

If you, as a novice trader, are guided only by the receipt of income, then you should carefully study the area in which you are going to invest real money.

When entering the crypto-sphere, many people forget that everything is associated with risks, the same trading and the idea of earning crypto-currency can turn into a loss of everything.

The main advice of traders is that it is better to invest money that you are ready to lose, and if you have household problems with paying electricity bills, it is better for you to wait with the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Remember, the crypto industry has a huge potential, like the Internet in the 90s, and if you missed a fleeting benefit, then you should not be upset.

The second step: here you can say Proverbs and phrases of great scientists, for example, "hard to learn, easy to fight" or " knowledge is power»

Be well prepared before you start earning cryptocurrency. In this area, a huge number of pitfalls and you should have enough knowledge for a qualitative analysis of problem situations that will undoubtedly arise.

If you have chosen cryptocurrency, before you start investing, ask yourself the following questions:

What problem is being solved by this project?
Some of the known personalities are already investing in cryptocurrency?
What technology is used to achieve the project goals?
What is the main idea of the project and what is it used for?
Is the development team open to users?
Which apps are created for a transaction of this cryptocurrency?
Is it a security or utility token?
If you answered these questions, then you have formed an idea about the cryptocurrency in your head and you can decide to make money on this cryptocurrency or choose another one.

Experts distinguish two types of information that you can find on the network: subjective (forums, social networks and comments in them), as well as objective (information from official sites, whitepaper document and other confirmed data).

The third step: it is Better to start with the already proven cryptocurrency exchanges

In order to earn cryptocurrency you need to buy it on one exchange cryptocurrency, which differ in different factors.

For example, there is no crypto-exchange, which will have absolutely all created crypto-currencies. Some support only 10 digital currencies, while other exchanges host as many as 300 cryptocurrencies.

The best service for choosing a cryptocurrency and a quality exchange is ahhh! You just need to click on the crypto currency, then go to the Markets section and select the exchange on which the crypto asset you have chosen is supported.

Note that a credible exchange is Bittrex, Coinbase, Bitfinex and Binance.

Cryptocurrency exchanges that will help you earn cryptocurrency, and not Vice versa, must meet the high security criteria, and should be familiar with the daily limits on Deposit and withdrawal of funds and payment options that help to interact with the real world, i.e. with Bank cards.

The fourth step: the First step to earning on cryptocurrency is to buy it

When choosing an exchange look carefully at its interface, the more it is clear to you and does not cause unnecessary questions: "And what button to press?"the easier it will be for you to enter and withdraw your savings.

The process of buying cryptocurrency is very simple: find the asset you need, click and click on the Buy button.

You should also create your own crypto-wallet, because when storing tokens on the exchange, you do not fully control your assets.

Step five: create a cryptocurrency wallet to securely store your own assets

Access to your wallet will be through a private key, the one who has it, then manages the funds in the wallet.

There are 2 types of wallets: online and offline. The first are extensions in browsers, as well as programs and mobile applications. The second wallets are always with you, because they have a physical form, for example, hardware wallet Ledger NanoS (similar to a conventional flash drive).

Step six: Keep your data, keys and e-mail safe

Immediately set up two-factor user authentication when logging in to any account associated with your cryptocurrency savings.

Also, do not lie to yourself and think that your old password to which you have added one digit will protect you from hackers. Powerful modern computers crack these passwords in a few hours. Go to the question of choosing a password thoroughly and check it on the service howsecureismypassword.

Also, set up notifications about entering the cryptocurrency exchange from your account, even if you are hacked, you will be able to respond quickly to this.

Step seven: Once you've set up your account security, take care of the security of the devices you use

Mobile phones, laptops, computers and tablets with which you visit the cryptocurrency exchange should be protected as much as possible.

You can use a pin code, a full password or a fingerprint, because when you hack your devay losses will be many times more and the attackers will leave not only your cryptocurrency savings, but personal data.

Also hackers can get into the gadget via Bluetooth, included hot spot and public Wi-Fi.

Eighth step: do not forget to enter the table of income and expenses
Yes, it is a bit old-fashioned, especially when trading cryptocurrencies, but this area is very young and if Belarus will not take taxes for the next 5 years, in Australia this asset is considered a security and is subject to appropriate taxes.

We advise you to create a spreadsheet with income and expenses, which will surely help you earn cryptocurrency.

Step nine: Download the app that will show the statistics and value of your cryptocurrency portfolio

There are applications such as Block folio or Coinsup that don't take long to log in, validate data, and pass two-factor authentication. You simply enter the current state of your crypto-portfolio and look at its changes in the near future in real or virtual currency.

Tenth step: cash in on the cryptocurrency will help you with a well-prepared trading strategy
Everything that happens in the cryptocurrency industry needs to be questioned, even the messages on the official website of your cryptocurrency exchange.

There are 2 main strategies: trading and holding. The first strategy involves trading for a period of no more than a few days, and cholera can keep the purchased tokens for years, waiting for the best moment to sell.

Consider also the option in which your chosen cryptocurrency will decline and reach a minimum and may even depreciate. You will need to exit the cryptocurrency market in time.

One of the main rules of trading: do not invest in one asset, and if you did, then you can keep one cryptocurrency for a year, and the other actively trade.


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