in #trending7 years ago (edited)


Your life is a story worth reading, and I want to encourage you to keep writing it. Your voice is important; your insight carries the weight of immeasurable value and impact; everything you have to offer as a person is something I want to know about, and understand. In short, you matter more than I think you might know and I want to be the person who tells you today, "You have what it takes to be successful."


I would like to start this journey of getting to know you with a joke. I know that it is rather unorthodox perhaps, but I know that laughter and joy is something that adds strength and substance to any conversation, and getting a good dose of it now and again is healthy, wise and in most cases uplifting. I heard this joke recently and for some reason, it has the power to make me smile and chuckle every time I think about. But before I tell you please let me introduce myself.

My name is Karter. I'm a 34-year-old ENFJ, according to the Myers-Briggs personality matrix.

According to my Kolb Learning Test results, and Howard Gardners multiple intelligence psychology models, I can see, hear, listen, learn and process information the same way equally in every category. Which categories do you lean into? What makes you come alive with passion and inspiration?

Kolb Learning Style_graphic.gif!

These visual models of those concepts may provide you with some good insight into my inner world. I encourage you to find out what each model says about your gifts, talents, and abilities because this knowledge will help you interact with increasing impact and provide a solid foundation to have deeper more, efficient and fulfilling life experiences.


As not to get too burdensome with personal details and life experiences, here are some other things about me that might help you understand who I am, and who I am becoming: I struggled hard during the first 20 years of life: I lost sight in my right eye to a freak knife accident as a toddler and caught a finger in the same eye when I was 11, now I have a glass eye. And no, I can't see out of it. That is the most common question people ask me after I tell them I have a glass eye.(I'm not kidding) It's pretty sweet actually. I wrestled a drug addiction that started with pot and ended with methamphetamines that almost killed me from 18-24. I've been homeless and slept on the street weeks and months at a time. I have been so starving and destitute that I ate food out of garbage bins (on purpose)!
I'm a straight male classically trained ballet dancer. I took ten years of classical piano lessons and sold my first two cars for drum sets. I am a soccer fanatic but grew up playing American football. I was raised in Northern California and now I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I rocked Sbux as a barista for many years, and now have over 10 years experience as a carpenter. I am also an extremely neat and organized plumber. I play five instruments guitar, drums and piano, bass guitar, and trombone. Yes, all this and more, people affectionately call me "Bilbo" because, well, I'm a Hobbit. Short, kinda fat, not really, but kinda, and I love to eat food because first and second breakfast is really a thing. I'm built like a bulldog and enjoy a really hard laugh. I am driven to learn EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. Above all I love people!!! We are the most underleveraged asset on this planet! Steemit is going to change that! And we need you to take ownership as an important part of this project. My greatest strength is relational problem solving and encouragement. My goals are always focused on helping cultivate people and then release them and their gifts upon the world. I am a black belt conspiracy theorist, a philosopher, theologian, artist, and warrior. I have a prophetic gift, I see visions and have lucid dreams. I am also a devoted father and husband.

Now, you know a little bit of my background, so let us go deeper. And talk about "HOW TO SEE WHAT IS UNSEEN." What is unseen, is like the wind, you cannot see it but you can observe it's impact and presence by what it does. Further, what is hidden and unseen to the untrained apprentice, is clearly seen by the trained wise master. You have to know what to look for if seeking something that is hidden, and it is even harder to learn how to "SEE" negative space conceptually. Ideas are birthed in a realm that is unseen, they are of the metaphysical. There are things that exist, that you cannot see, like logic or love. You can know them to be true, but they are like the wind, your observation of them is primarily only in the substance of their impact.

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The first step, in an unknown number of disciplinary steps, is to produce paradigm-shifting ideas through thinking, creativity, intuition, vision, and sociological streams of knowledge while integrating them in such a way that it becomes a living scalable conceptual understanding that can bend anything into a coherent concrete product of expression and communicable artistry: This is what STEEMIT is about.


Let me repeat myself and I will finish with my joke. Your life is a story worth reading, and I want to encourage you to keep writing it. Your voice is important; your insight carries the weight of immeasurable value and impact; everything you have to offer as a person is something I want to know about, and understand. In short, you matter more than I think you might know and I want to be the person who tells you today, "You have what it takes to be successful."

Albert Einstien sits down in his seat on an airplane. Turning to the man next to him, he says "Hey, we're gonna be on this flight for awhile would you like to play a game?" The man says, "Sure, why not? Whats the game?". Einstien says" It's a game of wager. I will ask you a question and if you don't know the answer you have to pay me $5. If you ask me a question that I cannot answer, I will pay you $500. The man contemplates his odds knowing this is Albert Einstien the famous mathematician and scientist and says" Ok, I'm in. Since it's your game, you ask the first question." Einstien flashes a cheeky smile and fires the man his first question, "What is the distance of the earth from the moon?" The man thinks for a minute and concludes he cannot remember the exact calculation so he reaches into his pocket and hands Albert $5. "Ok, now your turn," Albert says confidently. The man thinks for a second and calmly asks " What goes up a mountain with 3 legs, and comes down with 4?" Einstein ponders for a moment and then, starts to panic. He's shocked that he cannot interpret or solve the riddle immediately. He spends over thirty minutes thinking through the vast amounts of knowledge he has stored in his mind. Finally, he gives up, and says "I don't know the answer to your question" and forks over $500!! The man smile and says "Thank you". Albert totally flustered, and still wondering ask the man "What goes up the mountain with 3 legs, and comes down with 4?" The man lets out a sigh and shakes his head turns to Albert and without saying anything reaches in his pocket and hands him $5.

I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog and introduction on Steemit. More to come later.


Welcome to the community @katzkarter! Great introduction, great energy! I look forward to seeing​ more of what you have to share with us.