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RE: Just another day on Steemit, why I feel helpless.

in #trending7 years ago

all the minnows are losing rewards as the whales get all the rewards from massive vote buying, we need a set limit to how much vote a single account can get from bots!


Actually, in this case we have some small/new users who have found a way to pry the rewards out of the hands that are used to receiving it.

I don't like it, but I think it is the direct result of ignoring big account's bad behavior and I think it is good for changing the distribution of steem. I know it can not last, but I have mixed feelings.

It has been quite entertaining watching the selective outrage, which didn't happen about any other bad behavior, but when one displaces those who feel entitled to the trending page, suddenly people care that the trending page has nothing to do with quality?

It is pretty entertaining.

If the community doesn't like it they can flag. Please, tell me again why they shouldn't use their voting power to flag it if they want something done?

Your stake is your stake, sell it if you like, but so far the community doesn't care enough to use their flags. They just want to scream for someone else to fix it.

I very much agree with you; I think it is weird to celebrate steemit as an open platform, but then call for some kind of police.
Freedom means more responsibility for each of us, and everybody should vote responsibly, but also flag responsibly. If this was becoming normal (NOT whalewars), and flags were something normal (NOT whaleflags!), this platfrom might pan out itself pretty nicely.
So even though I'm scared, I'll try that. My rules:
Small flags (-0.01) are good to use if you disagree with content, opinions or language; strong flags should be only used if a post/comment is unfair or damages the platform or other users on it, and they should be preceeded by a warning.

If the community doesn't like it they can flag. Please, tell me again why they shouldn't use their voting power to flag it if they want something done?

Isn't that too obvious? I can tell you that in case I would flag everything I think it deserves to be flagged, very soon I wouldn't earn any cent anymore here. OK, maybe one day I will start doing exactly that, but at the same time that will mean the end of my 'career' as Steemit blogger ... or do you really think whales wouldn't take revenge?

As long as I intend to write articles here I simply cannot afford to realize your suggestions (which I actually support in theory).

I flag and receive some flags in return. For me it is just part of the economy. Like paying my bills.

I saw already that you are acting rather courageous from time to time! :)
Maybe your flags are comparable harmless (so that whales won't really care) or you were flagging the 'right' persons who aren't too unforgiving ...
Anyway, the real problem is that if a really big account owner decided to take all of your (or my) future rewards he would be able to do it without any problems ... So my explanation for seeing not more flags is simply that the average user doesn't dare to do it ...

Yes, my flags are pretty harmless and yeah, I also am a bit careful who I flag.
I agree many do not dare... It is a culture thing.
Everything will remain a mess until people consider the job of cleaning... Everyone's job. (IMO)
I think if minnows flag minnows, dolphins... etc. By the time accounts were large, they would have accepted whatever the cultural norms are.

Why put limits into a descentralized world? The whole concept is based on the stake of the vote, why and how shall that be limited? Nobody is entitled to anything in here. Whales must not vote Minnows, they should if they like it but they must not. Minnows could buy some SP to help rise the value of Steem as most don't understand that somebody paid for their account. Like someone paid for mine and for yours.

This. It is a reflection of the "I deserve everything handed to me" mentality that is becoming the norm. I have been here almost three weeks now and the amount of whining about pay to play, people investing, etc is pathetic. Equality doesn't mean equal outcome, it means equal entry point/barriers.

It is nice to see someone else that can see, thank you.


A neutral comment good, I wanted to ask a question, Has UPME vote bot, the top vote bot on both post, owner gotten half the shit you have gotten for this?

Not sure, but it comes with the territory by speaking up and being public about such things.

I have posted a few times about this sort of thing but they are never seen because I don't pay bot to upvote me.
if bots are not outright banned the whole of steemit will turn into a complete shit show making everyone SDB worth less than the pixel used to display them.
i would post a link to show you what i mean but not spaming someone else's post.
upvoted you fury123 and droped you a follow.