Hmm. This has me thinking about this one time I got laid and what a plethora of words it took to get Carmine to open the petals of her flower to me. I practice guided meditation every morning by looking in a mirror and repeating, "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and dog'gonnit, people like me." I spent hours telling this to Carmine, interspersed with frantic conversations about the nature of God and things like souis vide cooking. When the sun came up we copulated in a way that would best be descibed as "obliging." For years I carried the guilt that I might have accidentally used skills I gleaned from a Jedi Mind Trick VHS I purchased from the black market section at Comicon. After years of reflection, I think she might have just listened to me ramble on for hours so she could keep doing cocaine with me, then she fucked me so she could take some home.
Either I hypno seduced her, or I wasted 9 hours of her life and 3 grams of my blow. Either way, I think she owes me money.
You wouldn't have to waste any blow on me. I'll probably hypno seduce you (but with beer cause I am cheap like that) - Should I feel guilty?

"You are feeling very sleepy - just rest your face here a while - You are now licking honey from a spoon - That's right...good. shhhhh"