Un Viejo Árbol - An old tree - Mydailypost
Está fotografía la tome a un viejo árbol, me pareció que a pesar de los años aún tiene su encanto y por eso quiero compartila.

This photograph is taken to an old tree, I thought that, despite the years still has its charm and that is why I want to share it.
*I apologize for using the TreeTuesday tag, but this is not the post for that challenge, it doubled, and I wanted to fix it..*
Pido disculpas por la utilización del tag de TreeTuesday, pero este no es el post para ese desafío, por error se duplicó y quise arreglarlo.
Its very beautiful photography of tree and i like the way you click it because we can see little sun light as its behind of tree. Tree look so old as there is no leave and it may bs due to summer. Your photography is nice and i like its effects so keep it up friend.
Thank you so much for your words. 😊
Belo Post......Apesar dos anos , essa árvore continua bonita...bela foto
assim é! muito obrigada pelo seu comentário 😊
hola Sol, bonita foto
Hola @jsvasques1986
Beautiful tree
Thank you!!
This is amazing, you give that tree such an amazing, dramatic look! :)
Thank you so much! 😊