Tree Tuesday - The Trees Of Bodnant Gardens (Part 5)
A Giant Redwood planted in 1876 towers above the garden at Bodnant, North Wales.

A zinc nameplate at the base of this tree gives it the name Sequoia Gigantea but today this type of tree is known as Sequoiadendron giganteum.

A plaque near the tree explains why the change of name took place in 1939.

I have collated a series of posts I did on Mindfulness into an ebook which can be downloaded here for the low, low price of 0.100 SBD

Yayks! It is a huge tree! Amazing how trees can endure a mark of time, and this one certainly deserved that plating. Take care of yourself as well.
I think trees are the best plants on the planet! I love their wide range of forms and how they are able to grow in almost any habitat. Thank you for your comment. :-)