TREE Tuesday! Can a tree grow in Brooklyn?

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Quick treetuesday post....a month ago (on Mother's Day ;0) walking through Brooklyn heights. It was a beautiful day, lots of people out, including gardendaughter and gardengent and moi.

Lots of pics that day (future post) but came upon this wonderful old plane tree (aka Sycamore) on one of the streets. Oh, it's had an interesting life for certain. If only trees could talk. His (her?) wounds are real, but thankfully, they looked healed over, leaving a sort of Picasso-like shape and one-eyed face.

and as always, happy gardening,


The world all over needs trees badly we are nothing without them

City trees are such a beautiful gift : )

I grew-up in Brooklyn ...Flatbush.... Made me appreciate nature more when I came across it :-)

Looks like he/she is conducting an orchestra!

yes! and with one eye!

Hahaha... You are right!!

Yeah I bet that tree has heard and seen a lot! A real surviver with a lot of character!

The plants have a great desire to live, they grow even through asphalt. Excellent photo @gardenlady

I like to say, ain't gonna be Syc No More! Love them trees, they get ginormous in Arizona, many are found by rivers and streams and are hundreds of years old!

yes, they are beauties!