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RE: A True Millenial

in #treetuesday6 years ago

60 hours is a lot of time to spend cutting down one tree. I can’t imagine what that must have looked and sounded like when it came down.

A thousand years is so hard to imagine. This tree, Shogun Sugi, is on the side of a mountain in the countryside. From where it stands, the view might not have actually changed that much in its lifetime. Still, it’s hard to imagine how it could remain standing all of this time.

I’m not sure how old the legend about it is. I wonder if that protected it during logging periods. Now it’s nationally protected, so barring any diseases and natural disasters, it should keep on growing and outliving us and our children and maybe our grandchildren as well.


The slice of the tree has a saw mounted across it. Presumably the blade that felled it. Here’s the thing. The slice is just a slice. That means they had to cut through the fallen tree a second time. That’s a lot of work.

Some people have a lot of free time🤣