Goji (Lycium lycium) : blooms throughout the summer

in #tree10 days ago

Goji berries have been popular in China for a long time. They are grown in many areas and used in cooking and medicine. Recently, people around the world have become interested in them. Now, these shrubs are being grown in other countries.


This plant is also called Tibetan barberry or wolfberry. It is part of the nightshade family. The bush is pretty and can grow up to 3-4 meters tall. Its branches spread out and have oval leaves. The leaves are attached to the branches with short stems.

The plant blooms all summer long. In early fall, it grows reddish berries. These berries look like small plums. In China, goji berries are known as berries of immortality.

The berries are usually eaten dried. They are red, taste bittersweet, and look like raisins.

Choose the planting spot with care. The soil should be fertile and slightly acidic. The spot should have good light and protection from the wind. The bush does not grow well in the shade. Plant it away from other trees and bushes.

Before planting, loosen the soil well. Make holes for the seedlings about two meters apart. The bush grows fast. If you plant them too close, they will get in each other's way.


Mix the soil from the hole with humus, ash, and peat. Put some of the soil back in the hole. Then, put the seedling in the hole. Cover its roots with the remaining soil. Water the area around the plant well. Add peat mulch to help keep out weeds and hold in moisture.