Why Ackee (or Bligia tastiana) is an amazing tree

in #treelast month

Ackee, or Blighia sapida, is a unique tree. Its fruits are its most notable feature. The fruits are either poisonous or edible based on ripeness. Ackee fruit is a key crop in Jamaica. It is exported worldwide, generating millions in revenue.

Ackee is in the Sapindaceae family, Blighia genus. This tree loses its leaves each year and bears fruit. Ackee originated in West Africa. It came to Jamaica in the 17th century. Sailor William Bligh brought it there. Bligh collected unusual plants as a hobby. He moved seedlings from their home. Later, ackee grew on other continents.


Ackee is a small tree. It can reach 10-12 meters tall under good conditions. Its crown is wide. It has large, oval-shaped leaves. Each leaf is 15-30 cm long. The leaf surface is shiny and dark green. The underside is matte. It shows a nice vein pattern. The tree bark is smooth and gray.

Ackee fruit is nutritious. It has many vitamins, minerals, and good fats. The fruits have antioxidant traits. They may slow aging and boost immunity. They can flush out toxins. Ackee may help the heart, blood vessels, and eyesight. It may also aid the stomach and intestines.


Ackee fruit is common in cooking. In Africa, people add the pulp to soups or fry it. In Jamaica, it is boiled with fish. It can be fried with sugar and salt. People serve it with pancakes. Ackee can be used in casseroles, jam, omelets, and pies. It pairs well with meat and fish dishes.