Sciadopitis (Umbrella Pine): a worthy addition to any garden

in #tree4 days ago

The sciadoptis is a very beautiful and unusual tree. It can be a great addition to any garden. This plant is easy to care for. It can't grow in all climates.

Sciadoptis is also called umbrella pine or Japanese umbrella fir. Its scientific name is Sciadopitys. It belongs to the Sciadopityceae family and the Sciadopitys group of plants.


This evergreen tree can be found in the wild or grown in gardens. It can live for up to 700 years. Some trees have lived this long in their natural habitat in Japan.

The sciadoptis is an evergreen tree with needles. It can grow up to 40 meters tall. The trunk can be up to 400 centimeters around, but it is usually 130 centimeters. It grows about 30 centimeters each year. The wood is strong and water-resistant. It does not rot easily. The wood color ranges from reddish to light yellow.


This tree has a pyramid-shaped top. When it grows in sunny places, the branches spread out near the ground. The needles are 15 centimeters long. They grow in groups of 10 to 30. These groups look like circles around the branches.

Each needle is made of two needles joined together. The needles spread out like the ribs of an open umbrella. This is why it is called umbrella pine. The tree also has small needles. These are only 5 millimeters long. They lie flat against the branches.

The needles are smooth and shiny. They can be light green or golden. The needles stay on the tree for up to two years.