Albizia bushes that lose their leaves

in #treelast month

Albizia is a tropical type of acacia. It loses its leaves each year. These trees are from warmer areas. They grow in Hindustan, Africa, and Thailand. You can also find them in Australia, Iran, Turkey, and southern China.

Albizia belongs to the Mimosa group. This group has trees and bushes that lose their leaves.


People with winter gardens and greenhouses like albizia. They grow it outside in places with mild winters. Albizia also does well inside. Its pretty leaves and flowers make it popular to grow at home. This means even colder areas can enjoy it.

In nature, albizia is a big tree. Its crown is wide and thick, up to 7 meters around. It can also be a strong bush, 6 to 10 meters tall.

Tree types have roots that spread out well. But, these roots are close to the surface. This makes them less able to handle cold winters.

In cooler places, the plant needs protection.

Inside, albizia stays much smaller. It can be 25-30 cm tall as a bonsai. If grown normally in an apartment, it gets to 1.5 m tall. In a room with a high ceiling, it might reach three meters. The trunk is straight with dark gray bark.


The bark feels a bit rough. Leaves are dark green or gray-violet. They can grow to 20 cm long. Each leaf has 15-30 pairs of tiny leaves. These small leaves sit across from each other.

Albizia leaves do something special. At night, they fold up and droop. When morning comes, they open and face the sun.