U.S. War Crimes. Necessary Action is Needed at Higher Volume.
US Government acts on large scale Blackmarket, war profiteering operations that become increasingly not an interest as to the exposure a necessary measure to take outside intended course of action.
Legality behind medical care, almost losing my hand and will attempt to cause situation worse in jailhouse. Situation follows into hospital with poor treatment along with compound fractured face with medical professionals attempting modifications, bone fragments to attempt rehabilitation.
Risk & safety has placed persons of U.S. Government become more of a threat that necessary action upon persons positions self in order of safety to eliminate problem by any means. The warning has been acknowledged through President Trump & Biden, therefor operation has put one self beneath the intended needs of post orders given. The criminal charges upon whom hired any deceased persons. Treason undermines persons whom over see operation in effect.
Kidnapping & keeping hostages through regime controlled area, while persons executing who disobey command or interfere. Leaving persons exposed puts necessary action onto any which U.S. Government guilty for war crimes when persons death is intimate.
Theft, destruction of property has exhausted intent to fair speedy trial a null point after U.S. Government even shuts down Supreme Court. My children kidnapped & coerced in another State that illegally separates myself. Soliciting & extorting surrounding areas becomes widely injected into parts of society. The use of chemical weapons, biological weapons along with firearms holds a need to neutralize any persons in contact. Action becomes more problematic as issue is ignored & persons continue to carry out orders by U.S. Government.