in #travels7 years ago


My trip to Bali so many things that I see and what I learned one of them is Hindu's big day ie Nyepi day.
Nyepi Day celebrated by the Hindu community in welcoming the New Year Saka, If all this time we know that Nyepi is celebrated in a day that made a national holiday, basically there are 3 series of other ceremonies incorporated in the tradition in Bali

  • Melasti
    Melasti ceremony was held two days before Nyepi celebration. On that day, Hindus will bring various offerings from the temple to the lake or beach. The lake or beach becomes an important part of this ceremony because water is believed to erase all the defilements in man and nature.


  • Ceremony / Pengerupukan Ceremony
    One day before Nyepi celebration, Hindus perform the ceremony of Pecaruan or also called Tawur Kesanga. The ceremony aims to repel and eliminate the bad influence of evil spirits for human life.
    The Hindus will set up torches in every house, sprinkle gunpowder on the road, and spread the rice tawur. The ceremony is also enlivened with the Ogoh-ogoh parade, a gigantic doll that represents the negative nature of humans. Therefore after the parade ended, Ogoh-ogoh was burned and annihilated so that the bad influence was lost.


  • Catur Brata Penyepian
    The Brata Bust Chess Ritual is the culmination of the Nyepi celebration. On that day, every Hindu must perform four things, among others:
  1. Amati Geni, do not light a fire literally nor excite negative emotions,
  2. Amati Karya, not physical activity and reproduce inner reflection,
  3. Observe Lelungan, calm down and not disturb others,
  4. Amati Lelaguan, not seeking entertainment and an ascetic focus to clear the mind.


  • Ngembak Geni Ceremony
    The Ngembak Geni ceremony is the last series of ceremonies held one day after the Brata Penyepian Catur. At this ceremony, Hindus visit families and close relatives to forgive one another through the activities of Dharma Santi. The activity is aimed for the new year to be greeted with a clean heart without any disruptive liver disease.


That is the fourth series of ceremonies that color the Nyepi tradition every year. Most likely the tradition is also done by the Hindus who live outside the island of Bali. Most importantly, do worship with solemnity so that faith can be well preserved.



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