A trip to Colorado Springs
I just got back home from a trip to Colorado Springs, right before the snowstorms hit. While it was scheduled to be a long trip, I, unfortunately, was only able to get two hikes in. My knee has dealt with arthritis lately, making a vast amount of hikes impossible, but nonetheless, we were still able to get two hikes in.
The first shots are of me leaving on an airplane from Tampa to Colorado Springs.
The first hike was in Lower Cheyenne Canyon in Colorado Springs. Along with these photos is a video of a small man-made waterfall with slow-mo.

The next hike (and final for this trip) was at the Red Rock Canyon Open Space.
The final shot I was able to get is of most of Colorado Springs from a high view. It was one of the last days, as well, of clear skies, because fires from surrounding areas allowed smoke to waft in and make visibility poor. Absolutely beautiful.
Well, even though I wasn't able to get a lot of shots, it was still a relaxing getaway; a time to be one with nature and with life.
Welcome 😁 back after two months 🤣 awesome pictures.
Very beautiful... thank you 🌹
nice photography