in #travelfeed5 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians,

Banyak orang yang senang hidup di kota besar dalam keramaian dan semrautnya lalu lintas ditambah lagi bisingnya suara kenderaan dan pabrik. Mungkin mudah mencari penghidupan di kota besar, meskipun tidak aman dan tidak nyaman.
Sebenarnya tempat yang paling indah dan paling aman dan nyaman adanya di desa. Bahkan sebuah Pemandangan indah ada dihadapan rumah. Suasana khas dan indahnya pemandangan desa yang dapat menyejukkan dan menentramkan jiwa. Paling tidak, disamping pemandangan hijau persawahan yang sangat indah yang membuat
mata menjadi fress dan terang juga
di desa masih terdapat keramahan
yang saling menyapa dan saling menghargai baik orang yang kita kenal maupun yang tidak kenal, yang membuat suasana semakin hangat.


Saat saya mulai memasuki jalan di pedesaan, terlihat pemandangan hamparan persawahan yang hijau, sejuk dan indah. Rasanya rugi meninggalkan pemandangan indah ini begitu saja. Hamparan sawah hijau yang luas berada dihadapan.
Jadi bisa langsung dapat menikmati
keindahan pemandangan desa, dengan later belakang perbukitan biru, sungguh pemandangan yang menyenangkan.
Semakin jauh kita memasuki desa, maka akan terlihat pemandangan lain yaitu terlihat para petani yang membungkuk sambil berjalan mundur sambil berbincang- bincang sesamanya sambil menanam padi di sawah, terlihat begitu mudah bagi mereka untuk melakukannya. Dan padi yang baru ditanam terlihat terendam sedikit air di persawahan,
aku hanya bisa tersenyum menyaksikan pemandangan ini, kadang mereka senyum dan tertawa sesamanya, terlihat mereka bahagia, pasti hati mereka senang.

Tanpa terasa hari semakin siang dan anginpun mulai menghembus secara perlahan dan sedikit kencang, menambah suasa desa semakin nyaman dan indah, pemandangan daun pohon kelapa yang sudah bergoyang akibat hembusan angin, saya benar-benar menikmati keindahan alam pedesaan.
Suasana pedesaan merupakan tempat yang paling indah untuk menghilangkan kejenuhun jiwa akibat dari kesemrautan suasana kota. Di desa akan mampu mengembalikan senyuman ikhlas hadir kembali tanpa paksaan, panorama alam yang terpancar dari indahnya kehidupan membuat keceriaan dan ketentraman jiwa.

Saat ini di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia, sawah sudah dijadikan destinasi. Wisata sawah indah sedang ramai dibicarakan di media, ditengah sawah ditata begitu rapi dan indah dan ada kafe untuk menikmati kuliner ditengah sawah.
Sebenarnya di Aceh sendiri cikal bakal ini sudah ada sejak dahulu, dimana biasanya kondisi sawah di Aceh, ditengah sawah pasti ada gubuk terbuka yang dikenal dengan nama 'rangkang', siang hari duduk diatas rangkang dengan semilir angin menambah suasana semakin romantis. Makan siang bersama diatas rangkang akan menambah selera makan meskipun dengan lauk ikan asin dan nasi putih. Sekarang ini
suasana ini telah dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata sawah di pulau Jawa, di Aceh belum ada yang berani berinvestasi untuk wisata sawah, bahkan pemerintah daerah belum berfikir kearah itu saat ini.


Pemandangan hamparan sawah jelas terlihat indah. Kita dapat menikmati photography dengan hamparan padi sebagai later belakang. Panorama indahnya alam
sangat menyenangkan, makan bersama keluarga dan teman diatas rangkang sambil bercanda sambil menikmati indahnya suasana khas pedesaan yang dapat menghilang kejenuhan dan dapat menyejukkan jiwa.
Aku Suka.............
Aku Senang...........
Aku Cinta Negeri ku..........


Dear Steemians,

Many people like to live in big cities in the crowd and the chaos of traffic plus the noise of vehicles and factories. It might be easy to make a living in a big city, even though it's not safe or uncomfortable.
Actually the most beautiful and safest and most comfortable place is in the village. Even a beautiful view is in front of the house. Distinctive atmosphere and beautiful views of the village that can soothe and calm the soul. At the very least, besides the beautiful views of green rice fields that make it
the eyes become fress and bright too
in the village there is still hospitality
who greet each other and respect each other both people we know and who don't know, which makes the atmosphere warmer.

When I began to enter the road in the countryside, I saw a view of the expanse of rice fields that were green, cool and beautiful. It's a loss to leave this beautiful scenery just like that. A wide expanse of green rice fields is in front.
So you can immediately enjoy
the beauty of the village landscape, with the rear behind the blue hills, is truly a pleasant sight.
The farther we enter the village, we will see another view, which is seen by the farmers who bend down while walking backwards while talking to each other while planting rice in the rice fields, it looks so easy for them to do it. And the newly planted rice seems to be submerged by a little water in the rice fields,
I can only smile watching this scene, sometimes they smile and laugh at each other, look they are happy, their hearts must be happy.

Without feeling the day was getting late and the wind began to blow slowly and a little tighter, adding to the atmosphere of the village more comfortable and beautiful, the view of palm tree leaves that have been swaying due to the wind, I really enjoyed the beauty of rural nature.
Rural atmosphere is the most beautiful place to eliminate the saturation of the soul due to the vibrant atmosphere of the city. In the village will be able to return the sincere smile back without coercion, the natural panorama that radiates from the beauty of life makes the joy and peace of the soul.

At present in Java, Indonesia, rice fields have become a destination. Tourism of beautiful rice fields is being talked about in the media, in the middle of rice fields arranged so neatly and beautifully and there are cafes to enjoy culinary amid rice fields.
Actually in Aceh itself the forerunner of this has existed since long ago, where usually the condition of rice fields in Aceh, in the middle of rice fields there must be an open hut known as the 'cradle', during the day sitting on the cradle with a breeze adds to the more romantic atmosphere. Lunch together on a framework will increase appetite even with side dishes of salted fish and white rice. Recently
This atmosphere has been developed into a paddy tourism destination on the island of Java, in Aceh no one has dared to invest in paddy tourism, even the local government has not thought in that direction at this time.

The view of the rice fields clearly looks beautiful. We can enjoy photography with a paddy field as a back later. Beautiful panorama of nature
very fun, eating with family and friends on the bed while joking while enjoying the beauty of a typical rural atmosphere that can disappear boredom and can soothe the soul.
I like.............
I am happy...........
I love my country ..........

Lhokseumawe, MARCH 8, 2020.

BY: @almazzhr


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