in #travelfeed5 years ago


Dear Steemians,

Hari ini saya kehabisan bahan, kemarin saya sibuk dengan aktifitas rutinitas sampai sore hari, kira- kira sampai kerumah pukul 17.30 WIB. Saya melihat diteras rumah dibawah pohon mangga ada pemandangan aneh, kenapa banyak semut hitam, saya mencoba mendekatinya, ternyata bangkai cecak pesta besar semut hitam, ada makanan istimewa hari ini sepertinya.


Tanpa fikir panjang saya langsung mengabadikan menggunakan hand phone pribadi merek LG V30+ThinQ,
saya tidak berfikir untuk apa foto-foto tersebut, terbesit dalam hati mungkin nanti ada gunanya.

Tiba-tiba hand phone berdering, rupanya si boos nelpon saya untuk apa si boos nelpon tiba- tiba. Ternyata saya diperintahkan berangkat tiba-tiba ke Bandung ada tugas penting, terpaksa saya ' Siap Pak'. Dan pagi ini saya sedang berada di Bandara Kualanamu Medan sedang menunggu jadwal keberangkatan ke Bandung.


Teringat foto cicak mati yang sedang dilakukan pesta semut hitam. Saya belum tau pesti apakah cicak tersebut mati duluan baru dimakan semut hitam atau cicak digigit semut hitam sehingga mati, tapi itu tidak begitu penting.

Yang terpenting bahwa semut hitam apabila mendatangi makanan kita, akan merasa jijik karena semut hitam memakan semua bangkai. Untuk itu anda perlu berhati-hati untuk menjaga agar jangan sampai semut hitam mendatangi makanan kita. Apalagi kalau sampai makan semut hitam dengan tidak sengaja karena tercampur makanan, akan mengakibat timbulnya bermacam penyakit.

Dear Steemians,

Today I ran out of materials, yesterday I was busy with routine activities until the afternoon, approximately to home at 17:30 WIB. I saw a terrace under a mango tree there was a strange sight, why are there so many black ants, I tried to approach it, it turns out that the carcasses of a large party of black ants, there is a special food today it seems.

Without thinking, I immediately capture using a personal cell phone brand LG V30 + ThinQ,
I do not think for what the photos are, terbesit in the heart may be useful later.

Suddenly the cell phone rang, apparently the boos called me for what the boos called suddenly. It turned out that I was ordered to leave suddenly for Bandung there was an important task, I was forced to 'Ready Sir'. And this morning I was at Kualanamu Airport Medan, waiting for my scheduled departure to Bandung.

Remembering the photo of the dead lizard being carried out by the black ant party. I don't know yet whether the lizard died first and was eaten by a black ant or the lizard was bitten by a black ant so it died, but that is not so important.

The most important thing is that when black ants come to our food, they will feel disgusted because black ants eat all the carcasses. For that you need to be careful not to let the black ants come to our food. Especially if you eat black ant accidentally because it is mixed with food, it will cause various diseases.

Kualanamu Medan, March 10, 2020

BY: @almazzhr


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