in #travelfeed5 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians,

Dalam melakukan perjalanan ke Banda Baro, Aceh Utara, kami melihat perkembangan dan pertumbuhan kecamatan yang tergolong kecamatan muda di Aceh Utara. Banyak pedagang dan pembeli yang melakukan aktifitas jual beli disana. Dan yang paling mencuri perhatian kami adalah Pasar Hewan Desa Paya Dua Kecamatan Banda Baro, Aceh Utara yang dikelola oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa.


Kami melihat Pasar Hewan Desa Paya Dua, Banda Baro merupakan Pasar Hewan yang dibangun diatas tanah asset desa yang dijadikan tempat jual beli hewan seperti sapi dan kambing serta domba. Pasar hewan desa Paya Dua banyak didatangi penjual dan pembeli dari luar daerah seperti dari Geurugok Kabupaten Bireun dan dari Panton Labu serta daerah lainnya.

Melihat dari ramainya transaksi di Pasar Hewan yang dikelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) atau di di Aceh dikenal dengan Badan Usaha Milik Gampong (BUMG) Paya Dua ini, menurut informasi dari Kepala Desa Paya Dua perputaran uang setiap hari Kamis mencapai 2,5 milyar rupiah dengan pembeli yang datang rata-rata dari luar daerah.


Pasar Hewan yang dikelola BUMG tersebut saya lihat banyak didatangi oleh pedagang dan pembeli dari luar daerah, hal ini didukung dengan tersedia lapangan parkir dan dikelola oleh pemuda desa yang tergabung kedalam BUMG Paya Dua. Disamping letaknya dipinggir jalan elak juga terletak di alam terbuka jadi banyak angin yang membuat suasana sejuk dan nyaman. Apa lagi akses jalan menuju ke Paya Dua semuanya sudah jalan aspal sehingga sangat memudahkan kenderaan pengangkut hewan ternak pedagang dan pembeli. Namun saya melihat masih terdapat kekurangan
fasilitas kantor dan musalla yang belum tersedia.

Dengan adanya pasar hewan ini pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar dapat ikut meningkat, banyak pedangang lain yang ikut memanfaatkan keberadaan pasar hewan tersebut.


Dear Steemians,

In traveling to Banda Baro, North Aceh, we saw the development and growth of sub-districts classified as young sub-districts in North Aceh. Many traders and buyers who carry out buying and selling activities there. And what steals our attention the most is the Animal Market in Paya Dua Village, Banda Baro Sub-district, North Aceh, which is managed by a Village-Owned Enterprise.

We see the Paya Dua Village Animal Market, Banda Baro is an Animal Market built on the land of village assets which is used as a place for buying and selling animals such as cattle and goats and sheep. Paya Dua village animal market is visited by many sellers and buyers from outside the area such as from Geurugok, Bireun Regency and from Panton Labu and other regions.

Looking at the crowds of transactions at the Animal Market managed by Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) or in Aceh known as the Paya Dua Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMG), according to information from the Head of Paya Dua Village, the circulation of money every Thursday reaches 2.5 billion rupiah with buyers who come on average from outside the region.

The animal market managed by BUMG, I see many visited by traders and buyers from outside the area, this is supported by the available parking lot and managed by village youth who are members of BUMG Paya Dua. Besides being located alongside an elak road it is also located in the open air so there is a lot of wind which makes the atmosphere cool and comfortable. What's more, access roads leading to Paya Dua are all paved, making it very easy for traders and buyers to transport vehicles. But I see there are still shortcomings
office and musalla facilities that are not yet available.

With the existence of this animal market, the economic growth of the surrounding community can also increase. Many other traders also take advantage of the existence of the animal market.

Lhokseumawe, March 19, 2020

BY; @almazzhr


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