Week 2/52 - 2018 The Unexpected

in #travelersnotebook7 years ago

Hi Steemit World,

Like I said in my previous post, I'm playing catchup with my journal reviews till present day.

This is Week 2: Monday 8th to Sunday 14th, January 2018

That week started off like any other old week. I went to work at 7:30a.m. every weekday and had Dragonboat training at 5:30p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

On Thursday night, my partner and I arrived home after training. We went to the supermarket to grab some beef sausages, onion, tomatoes and a loaf of bread. We walked home and I started to cook. Then I received a strange message from my younger sister's boyfriend, which was definitely odd.

   -What's up?

Then I received a Facebook messenger call from him. It was my younger sister on the line. Her voice a crying mess.

"Mum's been in a car crash. She's okay, but can you come now?"
   -Of course, I'm on my way.


(Shit, leave the damn sausages. Turn off the damn stove. Think. Think clearly.) I'm so lucky that my partner drove, otherwise, I'd be another traffic hazard on the road.

Then, a photo.

My heart broke. Even though my sister said she was okay, I cried so hard. For my mum. For the idiot man who hit her with his huge 4WD. For the people who stayed with mum the entire time, even after emergency services arrived. I cried because she would have been scared, alone, and in shock. But she is one tough cookie.

My sister told me that one of the first things that Mum said to her on the phone, post-accident, was:

"I just bought 2 dozens of eggs and a loaf of bread; and they're in the boot. Do you think they're okay?"

My whole family arrived to the scene about 30 mins after the accident, because we all live quite far away now. We watched as they used the Jaws of Life and a saw to cut the car apart to get mum out of there safely.

They rushed her to the hospital, and we followed. The whole gang. My partner and I stopped to get McDonalds for the fam before heading to the hospital.

"Hey, can I get 5 cheese burgers, 3 large fries and 3 waters, please?"

We got to see mum about 4 hours later at about 2a.m., the next day. She had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She still had pieces of glass on her from the car's windows littered all over her. The doctor said that she was extremely lucky to walk away with only a small cut on her leg and a bump on the head.

We were all so relieved. I had to keep reminding myself to not think, "WHAT IF?!". Because there was no point. Mum was alive and well.

We all took the day off work just to hang out at Mum's house. Just to simply be around so that she wouldn't feel alone. We had dumplings for lunch.

Mum has since recovered well, with just a bit of soreness in her neck and legs. Moments like these really teach you how fleeting life can be. Life is so short. I love her and I'm not ready for her to disappear anytime soon.



We're lucky to have a close family when it comes down to it. <3