A Newfoundland Adventure

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

As you leave nothing but dust in your tracks, the force of the wind you create going against your face, the alluring sights of the off-road adventure will hold you a prisoner but yet you will feel ever so free. 

Almost at the end of every trail there is another adventure that's awaiting to be contoured. But this time it seemed like it was the end. It was only myself and my girlfriend out on the quad. Lets just say there was a lot of mud. We came across a large bog area where you could easily tell that there was other bikes here before, but for us it rained yesterday. It rained hard. So obviously that caused us to have a little bit more trouble then usually flicking through the mud we ended up getting stuck. It's always fun getting stuck but after being stuck in mud for over 20 minutes you just want to get out of there. Thankfully my girlfriend was with me at the time so I could get her to 'Hammer down' on the gas and I'd lift up and push. We got unstuck! But she totally buried me in mud. I guess she never heard me yell "STOP".

At least I got myself a free mud bath! Some people pay a lot of money for those! Lucky enough for me there was a lake near by that I could take a dip in and wash off the mud that currently clung on to my body and the dirt that would start to crust my skin.