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RE: Prague/Czech Republic - Thursday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel6 years ago

~ the Cold Warmth of November ~
Taken on my many walks upon the borderland that ˋunites´ Austria and the Czech Republic — the region around the little frontier town České Velenice...!...
I know places where one can walk ˋwith one foot in Austria and one in Bohemia´ most literally - judging by the last remains of barbed wire that in former times separated one country from its neighbor...! ~ Yet generally the mysticism of the ˋuntouched´ nature is far too magnetic than to allow any dwelling upon the area’s darker past ~ 💞 ~ In the above impression I expressed the once ˋseparated neighbors´ by the means of coloring / the so different shades of saturation representing one and the same image ... in case you have not noticed :)