Beach and the ocean is the cure for everything - another part of my trip to BRAZIL
Where is my life going?
What is my goal?
Where do I see myself in 5 years?
I don't even know where do I see myself in 6 months.
They're questions that everybody asks himself. Sometimes we do have an answer, sometimes we don't.
Traveling teaches a lot, the experience that I'm gaining, teaches me a lot but it doesn't solve any problem.
The things we carry in ourselves while living home, they stay inside us, and they come back with us.
I realized that already 3 years ago, during my first au-pair trip to Spain, when during just 1,5 month being there, I ended up in such a similar situation as back in Cracow before I left, as if somebody just copied my life from there to Spain.
The same I didn't know what I want in life 1,5 year ago, the same I don't know it now.
Sometimes it seems I do have a plan, sometimes I do, but I rarely know if it's the right one, and often it turns out it isn't.
Studies, job, traveling, family, there are things you are not gonna escape from. And I didn't even ever want to. I just believed that travelling would show me some life path that I should follow.
And it did show me. A lot of different ideas, so I still don't know which one should I choose, especially that now I have even more options.
Surely there is one thing I learnt, that you won't find happiness in any goods or money.
But for sure you can find it in contact with nature and relationships with other people. Love, friendship, family, it's all that matter. And happiness is always just a moment, just few seconds of some unique and special sensation that will never happen twice, no matter how much you'd like to repeat it.
I realized that happiness comes in simplicity but I also know human being are meant to want more and more and feel like something was always missing.
Today it's been raining all day, I felt a bit more like home, like in Cracow. So I thought more about my city, I felt I'm missing it but also there are so many places I wanna visit before going back and also I love Cabo Frio so much and I'm so happy with people that surround me here and making my dreams true that I don't even wanna think about coming back ever. Or at least in the nearest future.
It seems like traveller's soul is torn apart and left in all the places where once we felt home...
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