Push your limits- get out of your comfort zone

in #travel7 years ago


Have you got that little voice in your head that say: ''Don't do it" ''Its too risky'' "Its impossible" . I have it too, sometimes. I hate that little voice. That voice that keeps you from doing what you really want to do. That voice that keeps you from following your dreams. That voice that thinks you are a pussy. Well today article is about making that voice go away so you can become the person you truly want to be.

This article is not only about sports even tho it will only contain snowboard pictures of the same day.


Just because it was a beautiful day and we all kicked some ass.

Okay let's kill that little nuisance of a voice.

The first step you need to take, is to figure out what is that voice keeping you from doing? Is it to travel, is it to start your own business, is it to talk to that beautiful girl at the office. Figure your enemy out so you can crush it more easily. Once you figured out what that voice is doing to yourself, set yourself little goals related to those fears.

Think about those goals, and see what you would lose if you would try to accomplish them but fail. Most times than not, you will see that you end up in that same situation than you are without trying. What does this mean? It means that your voice is retarded and should not be the one giving you life advise. Once you're idea is pretty clear: ''That voice is wrong", you are ready for step 2.


Step 2. Set yourself mini goals that are related to your fears and accomplish them regularly.

Eg: My fear is traveling alone because I think I won't have any friends and won't know what to do. Here's what you should do, book a hostel room in the biggest city close to you, could be your own city. If the hostel is close enough from work for you to go there, book it for the week. If not, book it for the weekend. You will get use to be in a travelers environment and see that hundred of other people are traveling alone. You will also see how easy it is to make friends.

Yeah but I am 10 Kilometers from home. So? It is going to be the exact same there or on an other continent.

You will just feel like it is an easier move because you are at home. At least you got out of your comfort zone, and that is what is important.

An other example, starting your own business. I see this one as the most scary one for most people because of the fear of leaving everything behind and going all in in something that is uncertain.

I never had the fear of leaving a full life behind to start something else, but I do not have kids and I do not have a mortgage. For those of you who don't have kids, but have a mortgage, here is 2 advises. Sell your house, or if you are in a big city or a touristy spot, turn your house into an airbnb. More on the later in an other article.

For those of you who have kids, I understand that you can't just sell your house or get strangers in there all the time. It doesn't mean that it is too late tho. My advise would be to put your first foot in the business world on weekends. Doesn't have to be related to the business that you were planning on starting. It can be literally anything. Kids stuff, lawn mower, racking leafs, anything. Just put an add on your back page website and get at it. Try and make everything as professional as possible, get business cards, make t-shirts, register the company, get an employee to help you out.

Even if you don't make much money, or even losing some. You got your foot in the door and you realized how easy or how hard it was to do some stuff. You will have a better idea on how to do things and will definitely feel like you learned a lot and all that without scarifying the life you had before.


Step 3. Become a go getter. Make a daily list and finish that day with every points on the list with a done bar on it. Do the list the evening before going to sleep. Think about everything you will need to do the next day to accomplish your goal and get to bed thinking that tomorrow, you will stop being scared and get shit done. Already think about that list being done.

Woke up the next day, grab a breakfast, drink your coffee and get at it. Having that list will keep things organize and you will feel a nice rush every time you check something out.

Eg: scared of travel. Tomorrow, I am going to pull the trigger. (yes actually name your list)

  1. Look for a nice destination and make my choice.
  2. Look for flights and book the cheapest.
  3. Book a hostel.
    4.Get traveling insurance.

Trigger pulled, no coming back.

Eg: Business.(the easy one). Get that Money.

  1. Make a plan.
  2. Put an ad on craigslist with a cheap price.
  3. Go get the tools or what ever you need to make the actual work if you don't have them.

Boom, no coming back.

For the business guys, I found that it was easier to commit and not procrastinate if you wear a suit. You will feel so dumb doing nothing in a suit at home, you will have to do something.

So grab breakfast, take your coffee and suit up.

That's it, it doesn't take much more than that, get out of your comfort zone and accomplish little goals. Little goals is better than no goals. And one day baby steps will become giant steps until you are the kick ass person you really want to be.
