Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Watching the Sunset' (Part #206)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes people ask me what is the thing about men and the big bikes. Yeah, I deliberately dropped put the word 'middleaged'. :D Well, it is about several things. First, as men age, their brains get ahead of their impulses and perspectives change. Sometime after thirty-five men are slowly starting to become wise. Riding stops being about speed and kicks of self-proving and becomes more about a laid-back feeling of enjoyment without a need for doing stupid things in order 'to add a little thrill' to the life. The road is dangerous as it is, no need to down the odds even further.

Second, one starts appreciating the comfort and doesn't feel like constantly sensing the unnecessary vibrations that little motorcycle produces. Speaking of which, the other day I sat on my buddy's HD Iron 900. My hands started to shake as soon as I grabbed the handles. But, not from fear. The vibrations were so strong that I decided to do only a few mins ride just to feel it. So, no thank you. Once you've ridden a big bike, no way that you'll get back on a small toy ride.

The third is the feeling of freedom. Although this can be felt on almost any bike when one sits on a 2,5m long cruiser, it gives a different perspective. One immediately starts feeling the possibilities, the autonomy, the long distances start calling. Then, when you spend your first night sleeping somewhere in the wild by your bike, the mind is set. After a few trips, you are hooked. It becomes a way of travelling no other can beat.

Some people fear motorcycles. This is no wonder. We all read about accidents and consequent deaths. This news, embedded with warnings and fear, do their share of work on people's minds. The thing about that is that you'll never read which type of motorcycle was in question. This is some weird worldwide newsroom consensus. Wherever you go, you will never read what brand and model was in question. And it does matter. There is an ocean of difference between a Ninja or Hayabusa, the well know suicide machines; and heavy travelling cruisers like Road King or Gold Wing, the known pleasure machines, a ton in-between, and then some on both sides of the scale.

There is no more present feeling than the one when you stop beside a road just to spend a few minutes watching the sunset and feeling the beauty as if it lives within you. In that moment you very well know that you've been weight, bought, wrapped and sold. There is no way out of that anymore. Traveling on a motorcycle becomes a part of you, an undeniable pleasure, something so precious that you'll never let go. Or, even more likely, it will never let you go.

If you don't believe me, try for yourself. Let me know how it went. ;-)

Enjoy your day! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, bloggers actually DO matter!

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I really like the fourth picture. I bet you deliberately included the reflection of the sunlight on your muffler. Most people would just try to get rid of such and try to capture a 'clean', ordinary picture. -But it really lights up your composition. 😄

Yes, my friend. It took some time to get it right but of course it is deliberate ;) Really love when people understand!!!

beautiful photos

Wow. Wow. Wow! You get it! You put it down exactly. Precisely. Once you know the road you can never go back. Ever.

I've been riding for almost 53 years (April). I managed to live through the crazy years (mostly by riding in the dirt through much of my 20s and30s) and am now settled in on a Kawasaki Concours C14. High speed touring and I do lots. Fact is, I live in a place where I can ride every day and don't own a car.

Thanks bro. I use that because you are no doubt a brother of the road. Who knows, maybe some day I'll be able to wave at you?

Thanks for another exceptional post. Lets Ride.

Oh man, such an honour to get this comment from a biker veteran. Thank you so much!!! :)

wow. really awsome.
a rare scene of humour.
tha ks for nice post.

Only had the opportunity to ride "slim" bikes so far. Started riding while I was 13.

I drove my pop's Audi last December and felt like a muggle housekeeper trying to control a dozen Harry Porters from flying off the radar. The motorists, pedestrians, children, tiny road widths you name it.

The calculation done behind wheels wears one down like hell.

Even when I grow old, I can't imagine myself giving up on bikes. Nah

Yeah! :D

a dozen

Velimir, I totally agree with your comment.I had the first Goldwing 1000cc I used to drive in 1991. 11 years ago I bought a Goldwing 1800 and I know that I will travel a lot of miles with this engine. Of course, if I'm being accompanied by luck on the road. Happy and plenty of enjoyment to you on all your paths.

The bigger the better. With helments and observing road safety regulation, bikes are still a safe means of transport. There are still more car accidents to motorbikes on the same equal number of car to bike ratio. That is why the actor Keanu Reeves at 53 still rides

hehehe Neo on a bike..oh my! :D

He is an avid biker :)

I do not always have time to read your posts right away, because sometimes I am very busy, but I always read them later and necessarily comment. I appreciate your content ...
You on the way as before the sun shines creating a pleasant atmosphere for photographs, which "you season with specials" from an interesting description.
There really is a big difference between motorcycles that are potentially capable of killing you and those motorcycles that bring udovlsya from driving :)
I hope you had a good day? I hope you read my comment :)

Changing from smaller bike to a bigger one can be an irreversible experience. Just as in upgrading from a basic to a pro package. The benefits are always incomparable. With a bigger bike the ridder would always feel in control. Thanks @velimir for your nice write up.

Your posts make us wanna do what you do man!
This is really great.
Cruisers are always great for long road trips.
Some of my biker friends may not agree though. Haha!!

well..there are also adventure touring motorbikes... ;)
but each to his own, rally hahaha

The motorbike is nothing like hoby's love. I think he is more loyal than people and he always makes you happy unless you cut him off. I hope to have a motorcycle one day. Now it's getting harder to borrow your engines from my friends.