Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Travelling Library' (Part #313)
'Travelling Library'
This big blue bus looks just like any other bus but only on the outside. It is not an ordinary bus. It is a book-bus, full of books, a travelling library. :) The idea of bringing books closer to the people is a welcomed one. Not sure it generally works because reading is in a huge downfall since the Internet took all of the people's attention and most of the free time. Still, the old-fashioned way of holding the book and turning pages cannot be matched by any screen in existence.
Let's see what is inside! A full library setup. 'One can rent a book here and then return it to any of the city's libraries,' says the kind lady working here. She also confirms my thoughts on decreasing numbers of active book readers. Pity, but this is the time we're living in.
Before the Internet, all the knowledge, one could find and learn without a teacher, was in books. Reading from books about all sorts of things was a primary way of learning for long centuries. It was quite a task to find the right ones. Today, everything is found much faster. This looks like a cart with children's books. Nice touch!
This young gentleman, accompanied by his mother, has just arrived for the new load of reading fun. Really nice to see the interest. Maybe he's got limited time for wasting on computer games? :D
Be as it may, the books will always have a special way of taking us into the past, teaching us things we've never heard of and, whatever new comes along, they will always stay the most romantic way of spending a rainy afternoon with a cup of tea by the fireplace. Never tried that? Please do! :)
Enjoy your day! :)
©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.
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Beautiful .. well done on the pictures
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing
: )
I'm happy! And I know it!
really you showing very best photography in your blog and obviously its very best high thought quality tropic that you showing doing today in your post.. library books that are memforasikan for the purpose of the reader, the main purpose of the library to make a profit. In the book, the book dinzer is arranged for sale in order to make a profit. While mobile libraries are public libraries that serve communities that are not covered by public library services, with public centers, which are an extension and extension of regional library services or public libraries of Level II.So what happens is the library is commonly used for communities that are not affordable or difficult by general public services limitations and general weaknesses. Meanwhile, the people of in addition to spread across various islands, in various areas of residence to take advantage of guest services residential centers of society. Can access it directly by the community.thanks to sharing for your wonderfull post.just super.. very well dear friend @velimir take care yourself and best of luck of your great work ...
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The literature has been known to humans since the year 5000 BC. The materials are stored, processed, and disseminated through a special-shaped order for that purpose, called libraries.
And in its development there are also other similar activities, even overlapping with libraries, and others. The library also means, part of a building or building used to store books and other publications. The bibliographic materials are kept in a special order for the benefit of the reader, not for sale and the purpose of making a profit. So it is clear that the library is different from the bookstore.
In library books that are memforasikan for the purpose of the reader, the main purpose of the library to make a profit. In the book, the book dinzer is arranged for sale in order to make a profit. While mobile libraries are public libraries that serve communities that are not covered by public library services, with public centers, which are an extension and extension of regional library services or public libraries of Level II.
So what happens is the library is commonly used for communities that are not affordable or difficult by general public services limitations and general weaknesses. Meanwhile, the people of in addition to spread across various islands, in various areas of residence to take advantage of guest services residential centers of society. Can access it directly by the community.
In wandering library books Reasonable use of transportation services, management services and channeling services. Where these components are interconnected as a service system. The library does not get out with the books always throw away with learning activities. And books should be distributed to study centers. To live the importance of mobile library.
Kakav kul autobus! Predobra ideja! Iznajmi knjigu i vrati je u najblizoj biblioteci. Odlicno za ljenjivce kojima je mozda tesko da prosetaju do biblioteke, a sa druge strane, napravljeno tako da izgleda zabavno, sto je jos jedan motivator da se knjiga uzme iz tako kul autobusa. Mozda bas i to natjera na citanje. :)
I think the idea of library buses should become widespread. Books give pleasure you can't find on the internet!
Very nice pictures :)
Books are the greatest friends and they have been with us from the beginning. We should keep reading and this way we will learn new things.
That is so awesome first time i saw this kind of traveling with so many activities i appreciate this and that was well researched thanks for sharing u are awesome i just followed u..
really very interesting article .... very beautiful
Libraries are fascinating places. Sometimes i feel, under the canopy of a railway station, and when i read books about other places there's a feeling of traveling