Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Trash or Gems?' (Part #295)

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

'Trash or Gems?'


Are these old items trash or gems from the past? Guess its both, depending on the observer. A treasure to someone, a useless pile of junk to another. But it also depends on how old is an item. An item of daily use from the baroque era, bearing all the centuries, cannot be classified as trash no matter how hard one tries.

Old cameras have special meaning to me. I used to own several of them before things went digital. It is a completely different feeling holding the weight of a real item in your hands and not being able to see the image right after you've taken it.

Pocket watch. I've always found them very charming. Why did we start wrapping watches around our wrists anyway? Never liked it, to be honest. When mobile phones came into existence, I was the first one to leave the wristwatch at home.

This is funny. Wear your ugly nose and your moustaches together with the dark glasses. If you want to goof around, this is still the way to go. Some things never change.

Others are changed and reinvented through the time. Every next generation believes that there is something new to be done and enjoys changing the old ways, replacing them as they see fit. It is how the world works and makes its way forward.

Enjoy your day! :-)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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this travelling product very attractive dear.i like sunglass and watch.. but there are things that only units appreciate. On the example of things in the window of the non-store you showed us today. Personally for me there is the value of this watch and photo camera. In the past, I had 2 cameras - one old and metal (I do not remember exactly its name) and a well-known paloidoid. I have a warm feeling for the old days and for such things. But for younger people - these things will not be of value. Now any smartphone performs the same functions and therefore if you are not a professional photographer you do not need to have a separate camera.i like your post and appreciate your all product..thanks to sharing for your good post dear..@velimir very well done sir..

Amazing the similarity. I have 3 or 4 film cameras around here. I parcel them out to my Goddaughter (17) at the rate of 1 per year. She actually shoots some film with my old Nikon and lovingly collects the rest :) Vinyl records, too. I like that girl.

I always carried a watch, but my lifestyle wasn't really good for 'on the wrist' so it was usually in my tool box. I think I was probably the second one to leave my wrist watch at home. And I have several pocket watches that I am really fond of...

Thanks for another great episode. I REALLY enjoyed this one.

Discovering treasures like the ones you showed in this post and to get amazed by amazing things from many different eras is the main reason why I love going to flea markets! :)
You can really find beautiful, curious and exciting witnesses of past days! :)

And find unique things to make your style and home even more interesting :)

Love your post and the pictures! And I am also a BIG fan of pocket watches and dislike wrist watches :D

Enjoy your day too and be blessed! :)

More changes are felt in the environment. There is nothing to do with the present changing shophouses. Small grocery store barriers 5 homes where beta used to buy colorful candies now grown as human beings, getting bigger.

If the first beta should yell briefly while calling the items you want to buy, now just select and pay before called the cashier and go with the authorities. Yes, this is more, about the movement. About humans who continue to step forward and participate drag the surrounding environment. Sufficient environment can be a large-scale special sample of this country.

Changes not only in terms of physical. The pattern of business or communication interaction has changed a lot. If the first person to call should walk to find a telecommunication shop (kiosk) that may be children today do not know. Now, it is very easy to do relatives with various forms of call, whether it sound or video. In the economy, everything is getting easier. Once once the neighbors so excited about telling about the goods he bought from Saudi Arabia while performing the pilgrimage.

Now, just open the smartphone, we can buy a variety of goods from different to the country that we have never visited though. The changes around us are a sign that our country is moving. Political state that is open to the global world, mebuat us as citizens to enjoy various benefits. Education, economics and information can be accessed easily without a hitch. If only this country were closed to the outside world, none would ever exist.

It's amazing, but for different people, the same thing can be of different value. There are definitely cultic things of the last century (or older times) that are appreciated by many.
For example, pictures of great people who hang in the Louvre. What will come to them value? The fact that she was painted by a great person or that she is old ?. I think that the value of any thing is given by people. Same as the value of money in the whole world. In fact, money is just pieces of paper (which were previously attached to gold, but now no longer) - but they have value. But you can impose the same value. In particular due to the impact through the media.
Or let us take Ulyanov as an example. Togo Ulyanov who was the leader of the world's proletariat and now lies in the Mausoleum. He is known by many as Lenin. What value does he have now?
But there are things that only units appreciate. On the example of things in the window of the non-store you showed us today. Personally for me there is the value of this watch and photo camera. In the past, I had 2 cameras - one old and metal (I do not remember exactly its name) and a well-known paloidoid. I have a warm feeling for the old days and for such things. But for younger people - these things will not be of value. Now any smartphone performs the same functions and therefore if you are not a professional photographer you do not need to have a separate camera.
This is a good topic for the discussion and you can write a lot about it.
Have a nice day

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen many examples of things that I considered junk being turned into a decorative piece in someone's home or even being refurbished or altered to perform a different function. A show I really enjoyed a few years ago was a home improvement show where people would take junk or trash items and fix them up and create completely new items out of them. It was fun to watch the creativity.

that is a serious antique collection , the camera is my favorite , reminds me when i was a kid with a film camera

This reminds me of my dad, he is old stiff collector, but not with intention, if you know what I mean.. :)

I dalje cuva prvi televizor u boji koji radi, al se nije palio preko 20 godina, haha, Omega sat iz 1974, zidni sat sa klatnom, itd.. :)
