Hi Steemit! 大家好!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit! This is Tobias from Hong Kong. I am new to this community and I wish to know about you while you can also know more about me.
大家好!我是來自香港的Tobias! 我剛剛加入了Steemit這個大家庭,希望在接下來的日子認識大家,同時亦讓大家認識我。

I have a plethora of hobbies, travelling is my favorite among all. One of the most breathtaking trips I have been to is to North Korea (you see what I mean by “breathtaking” right?). It had been so exciting before I really went for the trip. People in my tour groups were also excited about getting checked by soldiers and actually meeting North Korean soldiers in persons (guess we’ve watched too much movies). My opportunity came when I was at the border between North Korea and China on the train to Pyongyang . Soldiers came and they picked people to be checked, and I was among one of those. They asked me for my luggage, phones and camera. Just as I thought they were starting a comprehensive check on my camera, they asked me with the only English word they knew, “Setting?” I thought, “What?” I was ready to introduce to you photos in my camera and you asked me only for the setting? Anyway, my North Korea trip began and that was a rewarding one as it led me to think about value of freedom and autonomy – whether we must have freedom or autonomy before we have happiness, or there is other solution.
我平常有很多興趣,我最喜歡的就是旅行。其中一個讓我最難忘的旅行就是到北韓。我在出發前已經覺得十分興奮,我對於將被北韓的士兵檢查我的個人物品感到莫名的興奮。當我們到達北韓與中國的分界時,這種興奮終於能夠成真 ─北韓的士兵登上我們的火車開始抽樣檢查,而我就是其中一個被檢查的人。他們要我交出我的行李箱、電話和相機。正當我想他們應該要進行一個超長的檢查而且要問我十萬個問題的時候,他們只徐徐的用有限的英語問:「設定?」我心想:「我已經準備好介紹我相機中的相片給你認識,但你只檢查我的相機設定!?」我的北韓之旅從此展開,而它確實是很有意義的一次旅行,因為它令我反思很多有關自由和自主的概念-我們是否一定要擁有自由和自主才能擁抱快樂?
Last year I had been to a university exchange program, so I had lived in United Kingdom for six months. When I started the journey, I was thinking that I should open a Youtube channel about my exchange life, as a record for myself and as a story-telling for people who want to know. So I started my Youtube channel “Bias Production”, and that was exciting for me. I had been all over Europe from January to June 2016. UK, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland, etc. I had been to nearly 20 countries and I produced different videos to record. Stay tuned to my Steem blog here, and I will lead you to different parts of the world!!
上個年度,我參加了一個大學的交換生計畫,因此我在英國住了六個月。當我剛到達英國時,我在想我應該開一個Youtube頻道來介紹和記錄我的交換生旅程。因此我開設了我的Youtube頻道「Bias Production」,這令我十分興奮。由一月到六月,我走訪了近二十個歐洲國家,例如英國、德國、意大利、瑞士、冰島等等,我亦為了我不同的旅行做了很多不同的影片。如你覺得有興趣,就請密切留意我的Steemit blog,我將帶大家到世界不同地方!


Welcome in to the comunity SteemBrother

Thanks! Nice to meet you!

Mae West : You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

That's the attitude! Well said!

It is awesome! I like your pictures and the way you write. Thank you for sharing!
I also visited Hong Kong many times. Super beautiful place!
I you like to read about travels and circus life please welcome to my friends @annamur

Thanks and I hope you like Hong Kong, another fantastic city! Nice to meet you!

A new Steemian ^^ hello @tobiasckk I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Of course I will follow you! Thanks and nice to meet you!

Thanks! Nice to meet you!

Great post and Welcome to steemit :-)

Thanks! Nice to meet you!

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

Thank you so much for the advice!! Nice to meet you!

Welcome Tobias :)

Thanks! Nice to meet you!