Cute Fuzzy Animals !! JAPAN Animal Cafes!
Hey All,
Hope you are all doing well?
Recently I went to a trip to Japan! the destination that many people travel to for food and anime but for me ... lol i travel for all the animals. This time round was my second time to japan and I decided i wanted to try the animal cafes! the hype was so high for it on facebook so i thought needed to check it out myself :)
We found an animal cafe in tokyo that had owls and fury little creatures alot of these animals was my first time getting so close. You are also allowed to touch and hold the little fellas, if you are a big animal fan i do recommend you stop by one of these cafes.
Just have a look at some of the photos i have with the owls, foxes and snack :)!

I'm actually in Japan as well atm.. saw a cafe in Sendai with hedgehogs to my surprise...
yeah theres heaps of cafes in japan :) its like every corner you turn
Animal cafe a.k.a a zoo 😉 - I'll upvote for the fox's sake.☺
hahaha yeah pretty much a zoo in the middle of the city
they're so cute! shame i didn't get to visit an animal cafe when we went