Living in the desert

in #travel8 years ago (edited)


Life in the desert troglodytes is very interesting and unusual for a civilized person. It is interesting that there were still separate caves with residents. In Votunice we communicated with a very friendly widow who alone lives in such a house carved from a rock. The room is cool even at 36 degrees. The water is taken from the well, and the bread is baked in a round clay oven.

Grain is chalked by hand

Bread is baked here in such a furnace

The most interesting is that the widow's son lives in the city and is considered a wealthy person and more than once tried to take away the widow.


It's amazing, it looks like a movie, where is it?
Thank you for the pictures nice job.

This is Tunisia
This is Tunisia with deserts and olive trees. Olive trees everywhere have more than 70,000,000 pieces

Aowsome, interesting experience!

The desert needs at least once in a lifetime to see and feel