Travel with me #85 : Visiting the white travertine terraces of Pamukkale!

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends:


Today, i'll be introducing one of the most spectacular locations in Turkey that is Pamukkale. In Turkish, Pamukkale literally translates to "Cotton Castle" and that is because the natural travertine terrace rock formations look very much like the walls of a castle except made from cotton!

Pamukkale is located in the Denizli Province about 120 miles east of the ancient city of Ephesus. From Selcuk, you have a number of options to travel to Pamukkale, you can take a train to Denizli or take one of the many coach services from the Selcuk bus station. My original intention was to take the train in the morning and arrive in the afternoon just in time to visit Pamukkale. However, I missed the first train and ended up taking a coach.

You will be happy to hear that the coach service is actually quite pleasant. I was apprehensive at first because of it's seemingly expensive price (30-ish Turkish Lira) but it turns out the service was a near five star experience!

The coach company I went with was appropriately named Pamukkale. The entire journey took just under 3 hours and along the way, you are served ice cream, soft drinks and even snacks! I was certainly very impressed with the level of service coaches offer here and definitely recommend it if you are the kind of traveller that likes a frequent departure timetable running throughout the day.

Much like Ephesus, you have several points of entry depending on what order of things you would like to see.

This is the southern entrance which is a common starting point but will require quite a bit of walking (15-20minutes) to reach the travertines. Here, there is a large car park where the coaches drop off and pick up passengers.

Around the car park, there are some really large rocks and tidy man made gardens. It's almost like a preview of the more spectacular things to come.

Once we purchase the tickets (35 TL), we can start our 20 minute walk towards the travertines and enjoy some of the marvellous ancient city ruins along the way.

This one is the South Byzantine Gate.

The Byzantine Ramparts

Some breathtaking scenes of the ancient gates and mountains in the distance.

No place would feel complete in Turkey without our furry feline friends.

Finally, we get our first glimpse of the magnificent travertine terrace pools. There is actually a local legend surrounding these travertine terrace pools.

There was a young girl who was unmarried and ugly. As no one wanted to marry her, she decided to commit suicide and she threw herself off the travertine and fell into a natural pool but did not die. Because of the water in the natural pool she turned into a very beautiful girl and caught the attraction of the lord of Denizli while he was passing by. At that moment, the lord fell in love with this young and beautiful girl and they soon got married.

The white cliffs can easily be mistaken for being snow. They are the same pure white colour, and yet, the temperature outside makes it impossible for snow to settle and not melt. This is part of the beauty of the travertines.

In the distance, you can see the small town of Pamukkale. Many people like to stay there for easy access to the travertines and as such, there are many hotels and restaurants there.

Some parts of the travertine are off limits for parts of the year to preserve them from the hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit each year.

Considerable efforts have been made to preserve this natural wonder including being inducted into UNESCO's list of world heritage sites in 1988.

Despite the temperature being over 40 degrees, the allure of taking a dip into the milky pools of water keep everyone and myself motivated.

Aside from the stunning views of Pamukkale travertines, people often forget the views of the mountains and valleys in the distance.

It is almost impossible to take a bad photo here!

As you can see, this part of the travertine terraces are rather dry. Where the water would have flowed out from the volcanic depths of the mountain, there are now "taps" where the calcium rich water is now diverted to different parts of the travertine(s).

The water actually comes from a vast underground reservoir of water which is heated by volcanic lava. The water has dissolved calcium saturated within it and when it reaches the surface, cools to form a precipitate which combines with the soil on the surface to form the white calcium "cascade" stones which we now call the travertines.

The walls here look very much like cotton and has a bubbly kind of texture. It's hard to believe that they are formed naturally through the perpetual flow of calcium rich water.

I remember walking through the pools of water along the travertine terraces and feeling the heat of the rocks from being cooked against the sun all day, and then cooling down when stepping into the water.

Actually, the surface consists of lots of little calcium rocks which are really uneven. It was quite painful walking in the pools and considerable care has to be taken whilst moving from pool to pool.

By the afternoon, there are already hundreds if not thousands of people visiting the travertines, and from a distance they look a lot like a line of ants.

I was very lucky to have a few photos taken without others in the frame but the contrary is almost always guaranteed.

At the top of the plateau, you can see the water running across the surface and smaller mini travertines beginning to form.

The one area which was accessible to visitors on this day ran all the way down towards the pools down at Pamukkale town.

As inviting as the pools are to bathe in, most people liked to stay on the edge of them and just enjoy the small trickles of water across their feet.

I must say, I agree because the bottom of the pools are so prickly, it can become quite painful after just a short time wading through them with bare feet.

Some of the other untouched areas of the travertines look simply magical. It is hard to believe that for more than two thousand years, people have been coming to this area to enjoy the hot mineral water for it's spa like qualities.

This is also part of the reason why Hierapolis was built atop of the Pamukkale travertine plateaus.

Of course, now that I'm here, I might as well take a much needed cooling down dip. After all, as legend says, the water is suppose to be beautifying and no girl would turn an opportunity to look more beautiful!


The way the water just flows off the edge of the pools remind me a lot of the "infinity edge-less" man made pools. Except here, they are completely natural!

Even though you can't see it very well from pictures, there is actually a constant flow of water across these bubbly cotton like rocks.


This lovely little girl wanted to take a picture together, I thought her rubber swan was so cute and she reminded me a lot of myself!


At sunset, the area becomes a lot more tranquil as most of the visitors leave. It becomes a perfect opportunity to just sit and relax. Watching the sun turn from a shade of red to orange, shining the last of it's rays on the silent pools of water.

It was certainly a magical experience and I must say, I am still in disbelief that these rocks are completely natural.
I actually had to come back again the next day because there was still so much to see of Hierapolis and yet I spent most of my first day just wading in the travertine pools.

In any case, the sunset marked the end to a beautiful day at Pamukkale and finally a bit of time to slow the pace down to relax as the day winds to an end and the temperature becomes more bearable.

Check out the video below !

I hope you enjoyed my visit to Pamukkale travertines where Cotton Castles really do exist!

In my next post, I will be showing you some of the remnants and ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis which forms the "man made" part of Pamukkale but equally magnificent to see.

Please upvote my post if you enjoyed it, and remember to follow me to stay up to date with my latest adventures.
As always, please leave a comment to let me know what you think! (I will do my best to reply but please forgive me if I don't manage to get round to replying to you. I do however read all of the comments!)








she got always like that as her face

True @rubysteem
Very many read and commented @sweetsssj account.

I see a beautiful girl in great pictures.

After two months away from the net, it feels great to come back to one of your magnificently made post! thanks again for all this "hard" work, great information and breathtaking views.

Namaste :)

eric! It's sooo lovely to see you again, I was wondering where you had disappeared to but thankfully you are very much alive! Hopefully see you more often, don't be a stranger!

Happy @sweetsssj heart, after meeting old friends @eric-boucher

Thanks for the warm and very kind words @sweetsssj, it's great to be back and I'll soon be posting again as there's a load of new material to share, now that I have a new computer to deal with things! ;) See you on the virtual world, safe travels, as always, keep your radiant smile and namaste :)

I HAVE another poem hope you like it [email protected] follow me back also my dear so that you can also follow my post..thank you so much my dearest sweet loving and sexy sweetsssj:

so beautiful pics nice post and view is amazing

let visit my country @sweetsssj
you will get the most amazing nature ,

Wow your brave. reminds me of when I didn't have have a phone for 2 years :O. gives you perspective.

Funny! I hear you though! thanks for the laughter. BTW, I still don't have a phone!!! Namaste :)

when you will visit this destination @eric-boucher ??

Of all places in the world, Turkey is one of my favourite and is definitely one the road map for me as I will find my way out there, soon enough! ;) Namaste

I really want to go there (Turkey)
but, i'm so busy with my job, wish me can visit that country oneday boss @eric-boucher

I'm just curious...would anyone really give a shit about these posts if she wasn't wearing a bikini in most of them?

I doubt it. Am I right?

I would still like her posts, also, shes not always in a bikini, and so what if she is? Dont you see how shes promoting steeit with her photos? And so what if shes in a bikini?
The fact that she wears a bikini doesn't help her at all, her sexy body helps her, and attractive women are always going to attract attention offline and online, just like how instagram is always going to drive a lot of their traffic by attractive women!

What would you propose to "fix" this problem you seem to have noticed? How can you force people to like what you like? Maybe you think that liking women in bikinis is not valid because you don't like it? Well some of us enjoy women in bikinis so, sorry, its valuable content, and without the bikini its still some amazing travel photos

in fact, I wasnt even noticing the bikini untill u pointed it out, I was looking at al the cool ruins and natural landscapes

And do you ever actually look at her posts? Shes not always in a bikini, she is usually wearing her steem branded apparel, which makes her images big advertisements for steemit! she also fills a space for content while we wait for more power users. She will eventually evolve and adapt, promoting different programs and shell use her money to start stemiut businesses, she will contribute to steemit with more than just content

Yes, I would do to. She is not a instagrammer who puts a photo of herself and get the likes. She puts effort in her blog. Making pictures and telling about the places she visits in detail. I get your point, but this is the wrong person and blog to write that. A better place is to write this on blogs where people in bikini who use steemit as instagram with no story attached to it at all. Then I would not only understand but also agree with you. :)) Beside that. Would you go with your jeans in to the water. :))

Yes dear @sweetsssj... These scenes are really breath taking as you said in your blog. Thank you for sharing your great traveling experiences with us.
If you have time, please check my blogs too :)

Yeats, the Irish poet, must have loved Turkey. He wrote so lyrically of it in Sailing to Byzantium:

That is no country for old men. The young
In one another's arms, birds in the trees…
Caught in that sensual music

The travertine is a magical white wonderland with mineral waters and restorative hot springs, verging on the edge of another world.

Your photos captured the essence of the place - the genius locii, as the Romans would say.

They highly esteemed such locations, building spas and mineral baths and even temples on the site. The name Hierapolis in Greek means "sacred city" and the ancients regarded such locales as under the guardianship of presiding spirits.

The white traventine shoals seem other-worldly seen against the backdrop of the blue mountain ridges.

It must have been breathtaking in the evening at l'heure bleu, and so inescapably romantic.

No wonder the women bathe in the calcite pools. Cleopatra took milk baths. It must be the calcium!

To leave such a place is difficult. I can hear the strains of longing in Yeats' final lines:

set upon a golden bough to sing
To lords and ladies of Byzantium
Of what is past, or passing, or to come.

A lovely post, @sweetsssj

What a beautiful comment, thank you so much for the extra information. So many people visit this place for the obvious visual attraction but forget it has quite the historical impact for the area.

thanks, sssj - I finally caught up with you! I'll keep an eye out for your posts :)

Woah is that poem where the movie title comes from " no country for old men" ?
And your comment is pretty cool! you seem to be caught up in the romance of ancient greece and rome, and that time period, must have been fun to be wealthy back then! But without wealth back then life SUCKED haha, noone could just fly around the world like we can now! technology RULES!
But we can ALWAYS romantically yearn for time travel to experience the "good ol days" but it was just realy nasty and smelly and back then you could die of a broken leg and noone would be there to help you, al you could have was Opium really, but you were able to just sit around and grow whatevr plants you wanted IF you had land but getting seeds was ot like today where you can just go online! the internet has made our lives thousands of times is changed so much and we take it for granted, we see material goods as dirty now because they are so easy to acquire, well, we should be grwing more plants and cherishing the biodiversity with seed banks etc

GODAMN This was awesome ancient rome was legit man! im telling you! Its almost as if it was a better city than what we have today! Imagine ancient rome but with computers and internet! Just drop computers and electricity into this ciuty and you basically have modern day rome?

It must have been SO FUN to wander around this city especially at night imagine all the cool parties you could stumble into! imagine all of the cool stuff you could find , houses of men who collected rare things from all over the world

imagine finding someone who had cannabis plants back then! Probably got them from China o India and started growing cannabis in his roman garden! imagine how awesome that would be to find back then and being able to smoke cannabis in ancient rome

These images evoke such an ancient feeling inside, the feeling of civics, of having a city, a place you can walk around at night and have order, a place where you feel the AESTHETIC of vaporwave, 3d modeling of columns,

Thanks @ackza - Quite a comment! I love the photos you included and the comparison of modern Rome to ancient Rome, but with computers. Brilliant!



wow wow The picture is very unusual @sweetsssj

This is the work of editing wings in photoshop, hope you like it @sweetsssj

that's very beautiful, thank you for that, i'll be upvoting :)

Thank you for your support @sweetsssj :)

Please follow back my instgram @sweetsssj :D

真美,特别是那张背景拍的很好。有张GIF看到摄影师了, 真羡慕他。

I like your dress up, its really cute :P And the hotspring is amazing

thank you nicole! Have you ever been there before?? If not you have to someday!!