Day Two At The Gorgeous Seychelles - Coconut Rage
Coconuts are dangerous! Today we witnessed a coconut fall from the palm tree and missed a guys head by some inches. My travel buddy and I agreed to stay on a safe distance from all cocnut trees from now on. You won’t believe the sound the coconut made when it fell to the sand. That sound told me that it was one heavy ass coconut!
The guys that almost lost his life at the beach just laughed nervously and walked away. I guess he appreciates life a little bit more now, at least for the rest of the day.
The cocnut fell from the palm tree that can be seen in the picture below. You can tell it looks a bit guilty, right?
Anyway, I’m loving this country! 30 degrees weather (Celsius) and friendly people! The nature is mind blowing. And today we watched the sunset from our hotel.
Stay tuned for adventures like snorkeling, boat trip and exploring the world’s smallest capital!
150 deaths a year apparently!?!
With sand and sunsets like that though, i'll take my chances!
That's insane. After seeing what I saw today, I believe it. Yes, you gotta live a little!
I remember being on an Island in Fiji a long time ago and hearing a 'thud' as one landed near by. The outer casing is rock solid eh!
Would not look so cool wearing a helmet but I think some have considered this!
Thanks for your support!! :D
OMG, really coconuts are dangerous. Please be careful and stay away from trees after this incident.
I hope you are having a great time there and your food made me jealous.
Cool my friend..
yeh coconut is really dangerious if it falls down to someone.very nice view and place
I suppose we need to wear helmets when going to the beach?
Good post. :)

Ja, må passe deg for kokosnøttene. Se for deg din begravelse, der det blir holdt en tale.
Susanne gikk bort mens hun gjorde det hun liker best, kokosnøttene haglet ned, og hun var sjanseløs
Nei, huff, dette ble morbid humor, kos deg videre i paradis! 😊
Hahaha, det er min type humor det der. Tusen takk for det! Du må nok besøke Seychellene en dag.
Det skal jeg. Merk mine ord! :)
Really Great Shots👌
Brilliant Work @susanne
Ser eventyrlig digg ut! Her har vi nærmere -10 grader...
Great post from the paradis of the world I wish to be there, looking forward for your next posts :)