The Characteristics of The Sarira Pagoda in Daeheung-sa Temple
Just before entering into the main gate of the temple, there was a Sarira Pagoda area.
The sarira pagoda in Daeheung-sa temple was different from others in its style.
Usually the sarira pagoda was located in hidden place far from the road
Then the sarira temple in Daeheung-sa was located in the closest area to the temple.
In many cases people needed to find out where the sarira pagoda was located in.
But the sarira pagoda of this temple was located in front of the entrance of the temple.
There was a gate and walls for the sarira pagoda.
The gate and the walls were as low that anybody could see the sarira pagoda with no difficulty.
The sarira pagoda was so amazing. I could notice how old the pagodas were.
Not only its history but also the style of the sarira pagoda was amazing.
In my thought, I could see almost of all styles of the sarira pagodas in this place.
I'd like to post as many photos as possible.
I wish you enjoy the beauty of these pagodas.
 that scene made a perfect eye sight!
There is a great history combined with this Sarira pagoda! I think that's why they made it in-front of the entrance! Willing to see more photography and more information about this wonderful temple!
Sarira pagoda looks peaceful and relaxing. could be a good place for a group meditation.
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I see you very much like these old history buildings :)
Postingan yang sangat berguna bagi semua orang dan untuk menambah ilmu pendidikan. By @safroel72
you captured stunning photographs....
This is absolutely Beautiful @slowwalker.............very peaceful looking area..............
It so beautiful.