Why I Created An Eco Village and Why It's Time To Take It To The Next Level of Thrival!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


So I finally made my first two posts since being back on Steemit after 8 months of traveling and planning/prepping for Eden 2.0!

I am super stoked to be back here and reconnect with you all!

As I promised in my first post since being back I would write a recap of the 8 months of being away and being purposefully on the down low. 

First, I want to make a post about why I am expanding and developing Eden 2.0, which is the reason I have been traveling for months in South America. 

For anyone who does not know, I founded The Garden of Eden about 8 years ago. I founded it because I had already been living SUPER sustainably for many years and realized most of the American population had no idea why sustainability is so important, or even what real sustainability is!


I also had become VERY aware, not just through my own experience but also through observation of people, that the quality of life for the vast majority of people I saw was VERY low--very low, that is, in comparison to the potential of what life could be. Even the people with full fridges, AC, TV, and a car were living very unhealthy lives, not just for their own well being, but for the health of the entire world and didn’t even realize it! 

The level of happiness, health, and fulfillment was very, very low, yet I have found these to be the MOST important aspects of life! I know from experience that it is possible to wake up every day, not to an alarm clock, but to full rest. It is possible to feast on healthy and delicious meals daily with the ones we love most. It is possible to easily and naturally be healthy. It is possible to have our daily lives filled with things we actually enjoy and feel are of real importance. It's even possible to achieve all this while improving the world as a whole! 

For most of my life, I experienced (and also observed) that people were spending the vast majority of their life working somewhere and for someone that they would NOT be doing if they didn’t get paid. They were wearing clothes and following rules because they had to, and spending very little time doing what they really love--or even not knowing at all what it is they really love! 

Seeing how many rules people followed, how much time they spent doing things they did not want to do, and how much debt they were in…..It almost seemed like slavery….

I had also realized that this was actually by design. The system has been indoctrinating--basically brainwashing--the human population for a very long time. For the vast majority of history, it has been done through religion. Not that everything about religion is bad or that everyone who is religious is the problem. Yet the truth is, religion was designed and has been used to control & manipulate people for thousands of years. 

Now days, money is the main factor of control & manipulation. Yet there are countless ways the system/matrix is controlling & manipulating the masses. 

Anyone who does research will find that the major media outlets are bought and controlled by the global elite agenda. Politicians are the same, and mega corps basically own the governments and thus have free reign over the world. 

The medical system is just as bad (maybe even worse!), because the research is there that plants have and can be a remedy for basically every ailment known to man, not to mention simple basic nutrition, yet they are creating sickness and disease on purpose to create clients for their multi-trillion dollar industry.  In fact, almost all the successful pharmaceuticals are patented from plant technology. They just make synthetic versions with crazy high prices and all sorts of side affects. 

The POLICE state is VERY real, and few people know this better than I because I was subject to a full-on BLACK OPS SWAT RAID as if I was Osama Bin Laden. You can find LOTS of info about that, as I was on Alex Jones, the Ron Paul Show, radio shows and more. Every year there are more statutes, codes, licenses and regulations. Basically the government is taxing people to slavery and death. It is blatant extortion at gun point. 

Did you know that there are more unarmed people killed in America by police than terrorists? Unfortunately, it's a FACT. Did you know that the highest prison population in the world is in--yes that's right!--“The Land of the Free”. Did you know that even prisons are being privatized and that it's now a very profitable business model? 

So I could go on an on and on and ON about the very real problems humanity is facing. I used to be very upset, depressed even, seeing all this. 

What I didn’t realize is that I was depressed because I wasn’t doing anything about it! I founded The Garden of Eden because I wanted to give people a chance: a chance to experience and learn things they had never seen or heard of, maybe didn’t even know was possible. I wanted people to be able to see a real living example of people living healthy, happy, honorable lives. Because it IS possible and it's actually a LOT easier than the 9-5 grind. The only hard part about it is the unknown, the change. 

So I started building what is now the organization with the lowest carbon footprint of any organization I have heard of anywhere that feeds tens of thousands of free meals a year and houses hundreds of people of all ages from all around the world for short or long periods of time. We also educate tens of thousands with our online articles, tv shows, radio shows, youtube videos, social media and our FAVORITE platform: Steemit!

We have done all of this without any government aid (in fact we have achieved this despite the threats and harassment at gun point), rich private benefactors, or much funding of any kind. We have even achieved this in the middle of one of the biggest metroplexes in the country on a very small piece of land. 

While our life is SO good--by far it's the most enjoyable living situation I have found anywhere, even after traveling extensively and knowing many thousands of people--it is time to expand and develop a much larger community in an environment that is far more conducive to the alternative (in almost every way) lifestyle that we live. 

We have planted and cultivated the entire property, and we have about as many people living here as the land can handle. Not to mention the environment around us is trying to destroy us, despite the fact we feed, clothe, shelter and educate people for free. 

So it is time to expand, not only in the size of the land but also in the full spectrum experience of true thrival! 

After deciding this, one of the biggest questions is where to do that? I won’t get into that too much because there are a LOT of factors. Suffice it to say we decided that South America was of prime potential worth consideration.

To do that, we would need to put feet on the ground in a far away land. So after lots of research, I planned a scouting trip to South America with my 2 children and pregnant baby momma. 

It was obvious that traveling through third world countries with 2 young children and an infant would be difficult, but there is no way we could be separated for so long, plus conscious evolution/adaptation is my specialty! 

One of my favorite quotes I have come up with is “there are no problems, only opportunities for solutions”. I live by this and this adventure would provide many such opportunities hahahaha. 

So that is a brief summery of why I founded The Garden of Eden, and why now it is time to expand to new levels of sustainable thrival. It is also the perfect intro to one of my next blogs which will be a recap of these travels!



Love what you're doing. This article really resonated with me. My favorite part is where you mentioned the depression you faced when looking at the stronghold the global elites have on things but ONLY because you weren't doing anything about it! Look forward to following your journey in South America. Would love to visit your Texas location at some point. Much love!

Yes Brother~
While the outlook is grim, while the human game is diabolical there is always hope and anything is possible~*~

I really appreciate the support and hope to continue to bring real value to this community and world. Hope to see you around and inspire support!

You have inspired me so I see you're doing something right! Where do you suggest I look for more information on your community?

Thank you!
I really appreciate the support and hope to continue to bring real value to this community and world. Hope to see you around and inspire!

Bless it be~*~

I love how you say all the things that people are feeling but often aren't capable of acknowledging are real. I love how you just lay it out on the line, say it like it is, and then do something about it. So clear, true to your values--based on love, responsibility, sustainability and freedom. It is incredibly inspiring to witness you live to the depths of your soul's purpose, honorably sharing your awareness, and laying it all on the line for free.

I'm excited to see what unfolds through this journey and am blessed to be a part of the Eden 1.0 and 2.0 experience with you. May abundant blessings be forthcoming to make way for families to be together, taking care of one another, with vibrant health, skills for thrival, and unconditional love. A truly beautiful and remarkable vision!!!! I feel certain that which you have to share will change the world. Thanks for giving of yourself so freely. <3

great post. I love your project. I know it will be successful :) You are doing something great.

Thank you Lovely~*~

You are the best humanitarian I know in real life, @quinneaker! It's really an honor to witness your project change the world, one life at a time. Thanks for everything you share 💛

I really appreciate your support and like that you put it so practacly " You are the best humanitarian I know in REAL LIFE" which means not ever or in existence just that you know of in real life. We can all always do better and there is always someone more successful or accomplished. What we do have is what we have and we do the best we can~*~

Yes, and if you do have a superior out there, I would love to meet and learn from them too...and I would like to see you both wrestle. :) I'm a much better person and I think I make a more meaningful impact on the world because of your influence!

You are doing a great job, am impressed , keep up the good job

Thank you!
I really appreciate the support and hope to continue to bring real value to this community and world. Hope to see you around and inspire support!

Wow, eco village is my dream. Happy to know your project

Yes it really is the dream!
Remember Anything is possible~*~

Wicked mate! THRIVAL!! I thought of that myself and you are the first to say it outside of my head!! Kudos pal!

Yeah Mate!

very nice project, welcome back

SO great to be back!
I appreciate your support and hope we can find ways to build a better world for us all~*~

This is so cool. My wife and I actually live in Dallas and she heard about Garden of Eden even before I told her yall were on steemit. Love the work you are doing. Truly inspiring.

I love seeing the endless ways synchronicity plays out!
Hope to continue to inspire and be a valuable contributor to the betterment of Steemit and the world~*~

Quinneaker you are definitely a hero homie - good looking out!

I appreciate, I hope to be able to live up to it!