Hot spots in Italy! Rome = Pasta overload!

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

What Up Steam Team! Hope everyone is enjoying the mid year weather, wherever you are!
Here in Europe, its holiday season! Especially in France, they are well known for the entire month off!
But for me, Europe in the summer is beautiful so I save my real long holidays time to escape the cold weather and head to the islands! (Koh Samui Post coming soon!)
This last weekend, must see summer spot if Rome & Venice so a quick flight over to start in Rome!
For those who read/watched Eat, Pray, Love - yes Rome is Sex and Passion overload!
Which is great, especially when you channel that intensity into food!
Tomatoes how they should be..period! Simple but bursting with freshness and real tomato and garlic flavor!
Next up, pasta basta - my fav carbonaro! Another classic, but this resto called La carbonaro - seriously we went their 3 times and had everything on the menu! It was top of the top amazing!
And pasta again with a specialty of lobster!
But back to the hot spots! Must see of course are the standards - colliseum, paletine hill, trevi fountain - but my fav spot was villa borghese and the park! Just increadible!
Of course a standard for me is finding ducks and dogs!
To start the end of a perfect day = rooftop @ sunset!