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RE: Short Bedouin Lessons

in #travel6 years ago

Awesome post! Thx so much for sharing! I live in Israel (NOT FOR MUCH LONGER!!!) and here the Bedouins are horribly mistreated (same as most places unfortunately...). The encounters that I've had with them always left me wondering about the dissonance between their traditions and the invasive and destructive Western "culture" that spring up around them over the last century.. Their way of life today seems to be a constant struggle with with the constricting beaurocracy... It is a very sad situation to be a part of..
So thank you so much for sharing and shedding some light on a hidden gem that most of us, aren't even aware of...

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you for the kind words. I guess sadly everywhere the minoraties of the country or to be precisley people who keep their old way of life are oppressed and pushed around. Which is really sad even tho they have much to offer!

Indeed! I think it's also the nomadic style, which has no place in our current wat of living.. No way to tax, or monitor the populace. No way to own the land because it needs to remain free for all people (and animals to use). I think that's why the Bedouins, even more than some other minorities, have a harder time being recognised by the authorities.. The lands once borderless and used by all, are now privately owned, fenced off, and dare I say, the land itself is worse off for it...
Sry, a bit of a long ramble, but it's just such a great example of how western 'logic' can't compute more holistic 'flowing' world views.. Such as sharing resources without having to pay for them.... Shame....

Posted using Partiko Android

True. I see some cases were there is a bit of help in Jordan. For example the Wadi Rum. At least for some of the Bedouin families. Ofcourse Petra is a different story. A cattle of gold.

While again there are places that are more friendly than others. For example Norway, Sweden, Finland. However I think they are open simply because they haven't found the gold yet in those areas. But yes people especialy countries are thinking more of a short term economical benefits. :(