The steep to the beach in a clay rock ... Here you need to give your way to another, so they are narrow!

in #travel6 years ago (edited)


A special exotic of our holiday in the forest above the sea are steep stairs, made in clay rock in height of 20 meters, in order to get to the sea.

Особливою екзотикою нашого відпочинку в лісі над морем є круті сходи, зроблені в глиняній скелі висотою 20 метрів, для того, щоб спуститись до моря.


The poachers made them, in order to walk from the woods to the sea and that guards not see them.
On these photos you can see the view from the sea. These ladders have 2 outputs - left and right.

Бракон'єри зробили їх, щоб ходити з лісу до моря ловити рибу, і щоб їх не бачила охорона.
На цих фотографіях ви можете побачити вигляд з моря. Ці сходи мають 2 виходи - вліво та вправо.



Here you need to give your way to another, so they are narrow!

Тут потрібно дати дорогу іншому, настільки вони вузькі!



It's been 13 days since I came to rest in the Black Sea to the south of Ukraine in the village of Lebedivka. For those who did not read my previous posts about the fact that I and my family plan to live on the seashore for 20 days in tents, here is the link as it was for the first 7 days:

Thank you for your visit!
Дякую за ваш візит!



Great Post with nice pic.
Looking gorgeous.

Nice post you friends @olga-maslievi beautiful girl

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Thank you for explaining your criteria to me!

Sooooo sweet and cute baby.and .very beautiful place. Excellent dear

Love the atmosphere and kid pic. ❤ I also love the colour so much!!! You have done a fantastic job!!!

Oh there is a beautiful young lady standing there! This is one of her best photos and the way she is posing is amazing :D