Fuerza Nicaragua
This is where I spent 3 weeks in Nicaragua, surfing and chilling on this beach. It has the best black sand I have ever seen, decent surf, epic coconut palms and abandoned houses right by the sea. I was just planning to stay one week in the beginning but changed my mind. Nicaragua is an amazing place with the nicest people. It is so sad what the country is going through right now, I hope it resolves peacefully. Waiting for the moment when I can travel to Nica again.
Bella fotografía @olegnator, comparto contigo la preocupación por lo que esta pasando en este momento Nicaragua, esperemos en Dios que se arregle todo pacíficamente.
Gracias Rafael! Espero que la situaction en Venezuela se mejore tambien
Beautifyl place ,i'm sure you had a great time😊.
Thanks Andrea! 🤗