Travel to Sri Lanka Part 1
In May 2016 I decided to go on a little trip to Sri Lanka. I want to share with you about my impressions of this trip.
Sri Lanka (former Ceylon) is well-known not only for the famous tea plantations of Ceylon tea. Sri Lanka - is primarily a luxury ocean and beaches, exotic fruits, wild monkeys, chipmunks, elephants and other animals, countless Buddhist and Hindu temples. Sri Lanka is also famous for its precious gemstones - sapphires and blue moonstone.
Native Sri Lankans – are very kind people. I was lucky to find a very good local guide - Dusan, who helped me to get to all the different places which I wanted to visit.
Let me describe the hotel where I stayed. Great hotel on the southern coast of the ocean, in Bentota, Vivanta by Taj, 5 stars. I can recommend this hotel to everyone – I liked everything there.

The beach was excellent, not so many people in May, and the weather was still good. It was raining every day, but rains were either at night or during dinner and they were not so long, so they didn’t interfere with my activities. In May, the waves in the ocean has become stronger, and you must be very careful (reverse flow may carry any in the ocean, who overestimated their strength and capabilities). And do not forget about the sun, even when its cloudy! Sri Lanka - it is almost the equator! In one hour of riding the waves on the first day of the rest, I paid the price so that burned night and lay with the temperature! So that sunscreen must be used from the first minute! After the first day on I bathed only in a shirt with long sleeves!

Sri Lanka banned eating turtle. They are guarded, cultivated, they have nursery for turtles where turtles include disabled or albino turtles and tortoises are bred, which are later released into the ocean.

On the banks of the ocean it is often possible to meet the specific boat for catching lobsters. They are wooden, long and narrow. Locals swim out to them in the ocean at night and in the morning you can enjoy fresh lobster.

Locals in the temple bring fresh flowers and fruit, and leave them in front of the Buddha statues. Everywhere lit lamps and incense, the smell of sandalwood.

When you get on to. Sri Lanka feel good atmosphere and tranquility: the flowers and fruits, palm trees and the ocean, the sun and the clouds ...
Sri Lanka looks very pretty. I would love to visit!
Sri Lanka is really beautiful! I advise you to visit!
Great post for people traveling!
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what lovely turtles
Turtle is very nice. On behalf of all the turtles - thanks for the compliment :)
Now I feel like I was there...
Thank you.
Thanks so much for the kind words)
I was in Sri Lanka last winter, and I can confirm that this is a great place to relax (especially Hikkaduwa). Unforgetable trip!
Great turtles swim to the shore in Hikkaduwa usually! I was on the beach of Hikkaduwa one day)