The Newbie's "Cliff-notes" for Surviving a Tech-Conference
A Noob's "Cliffnotes" for Surviving a Tech-Conference
When I decided to go all-in on my first code conference, I had some thoughts...
and maybe it's just me...but they went something like this:
- Will I meet anyone interesting?
- Am I going to learn anything useful?
- Am I "good enough" to attend an event like this?
- Does this conference fit my interests?
- Am I going to feel out of place when I get there?
- Aren't all the startups there just partying it up with the nightlife?
oh and of course...
Is there some secret code I need to whisper to a doorman when I get there?
(No Seriously? Is there...)
Well, here comes the good news!
It looks like there are only a few things to keep in mind while attending your first code conference, so pay attention!
Good Vibes, Bad Vibes
Focus on the positives.

Everyone has their own agenda, so just because not everyone finds you as interesting as you find yourself...doesn't mean you won't leave without making a couple new friends (or foes).
Your Badge Matters!
If you are going as just an "attendee" you may get treated like a small fish the pond. This one actually stopped me in my tracks, but of course, makes total sense when you think about #1.
What you know VS Who you know
Networking is key! Be prepared to network with peers even before you attend.
After all, it's not just what you know, its who you know!
Set your own boundaries
You don't have to just "go with the flow". Know your limits and pursue the things that make sense to you as an individual. If you don't have a great time at the day summit... that doesn't necessarily mean you won't enjoy the night summit.
(and vice versa - for that nightly routine which consists of Netflix or reading. No need to fret!)
Keep it cool!
Follow the rules, dress appropriately, and don't lose yourself negatively in all of the excitement.
In other words "don't make an ass out of yourself"!
Respect your peers
Remember that everyone is attending for their own reasons & stay respectful even if you don't consider yourself much of a "people-person".
Do some planning!

Don't just familiarize yourself with the content of the event; familiarize yourself with the floorplan, sites of interest, and other things that fit your agenda to keep things simple. Be prepared (just not TOO prepared)!
That just about wraps it up!
Have some fun! This is sure to be a night that you'll never forget!
Remember to chime in the comments with how your first tech-conference went or any other advice seasoned goers might have for the newbies out there!